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About Baltic Sea, facts and maps

The Baltic Sea is the youngest sea on the planet, almost enclosed, experiencing near-arctic conditions and isone of the world’s largest brackish waters. Water in the Baltic Sea is low-saline brackish water – a unique mix of salty water from the ocean and fresh water from the rivers. The Baltic Sea has only a narrow connection to the ocean via the Danish straits, and the salinity of its waters is only about a fifth compared to that of the oceans.

The Baltic Sea is cold!. The average temperature of the Baltic Sea ranges from 12 to 17 degrees Celsius in summer and from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius in winter. During cold winters, the surface waters are partially iced (e.g. in the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland).

Why Baltic Sea is called Baltic?

Etymology. The first to name it the Baltic Sea (“Mare Balticum”) was 11th century German chronicler Adam of Bremen.The origin of the name is speculative. He may have based it on the mythical North European island Baltia, mentioned by Xenophon.

What country owns the Baltic Sea?

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The Baltic Sea is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that is enclosed by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the North and Central European Plain.

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Why Baltic Sea has no tides?

The Baltic Sea is itself too small to have its own significant tides, and it has too narrow an opening to the North Sea to be influenced by the North Atlantic tides. The total tidal effect is only a few centimetres. Tidal waves from Kattegat through the Sound contribute a few centimetres of tide in the Southern Baltic.

Why is the Baltic Sea Dead?

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The dead zones are due largely tothe Baltic’s limited circulation and strong layering of water, which stop oxygen from replenishing bottom waters. Since the 1950s, nutrient pollution from fertilizer and sewage has caused hypoxia in the Baltic to surge.

Why are the Baltics important to Russia?

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The Baltics area key strategic region where the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Russian military and economic interests overlap. Sabotage of the Nordstream 2 pipeline, regardless of who executed the attack, has signaled that conflict in the region is no longer left of bang.

How dirty is Baltic Sea?

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The Baltic Sea isthe most polluted sea in the world. There are many rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea which carry waste from the centres of population, from industry as well as from agriculture into the sea.

Can you swim in Baltic Sea?

The Baltic sea is home to various swimming locations, routes and sites for swimming and open water swimming, whether you are a beginner or a veteran. Sheltered bays attract people enjoying their summer holiday to take a dip and feel refreshed.

Is the Baltic Sea fresh or salt water?

The Baltic Sea is a large and almost entirely enclosed marine region, located far up in the cold north. It is a brackish sea with both salt and fresh water. The only connection with the ocean is through the Danish straits to the North Sea.

What are the 5 Baltic countries?

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Large areas of present-dayRussia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, and northern Polandwere settled by Balts. During the Bronze Age, roughly 1250 bce, the western part of this Baltic region became known in the civilized areas of the Mediterranean basin as the “land of amber.”

Is Russia a Baltic country?

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Depending on the context the Baltic Sea Region might stand for:The countries that have shorelines along the Baltic Sea: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Sweden.

Is Baltic Sea a country?

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The Baltic Sea is a body of water in northern Europe. Connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Danish Straits, the Baltic Sea loops to the north.Countries along the Baltic Sea include Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, and — arguably — Norway.

Which Baltic countries are non NATO?

Across the Baltic Sea,Sweden and Finlandhave also been boosting their spending. These two non-NATO countries have close military ties with each other as well as NATO.

Are Baltic states in NATO?

In 2002, the Baltic governments applied to join the European Union and become members of NATO. All three became NATO members on 29 March 2004, and joined the EU on 1 May 2004.

Is tsunami possible in Baltic Sea?

The Baltic Sea is not typically considered as an area affected by tsunamis. However, during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene several tsunami events have been interpreted from the sedimentary record, mainly in Sweden and Estonia.

Is the Baltic Sea ever warm?

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“The highest sea temperature recorded recently along the Polish Baltic coast was 24 degrees Celsius (75.2 Fahrenheit) at the Pucka Bay,” Alicja Kanska, a meteorologist with the Polish meteorological and hydrological institute in the Polish Baltic port city of Gdynia told AFP.

What is the largest dead zone in the world?

The Gulf’s dead zone is considered the world’s largest, but it isn’t the only area with a dead zone. There’s one in the Chesapeake Bay and another in the Baltic Sea. There are about 500 coastal areas that have these dead zones at some part of the year.

Is the Baltic Sea radioactive?

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The Baltic Sea is a radioactive sea. The Baltic Sea is the most radioactive in the world with respect to the radioactive isotope caesium-137. The main cause of such radioactivity was the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, which is responsible for about 82% of the caesium found in the Baltic Sea.

Does anything live in the Baltic Sea?

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Additionally, the Baltic Sea is home to many popular species such as marine mammals (harbor porpoise, ringed seal, grey seal, harbor seal), fish (salmon, sea trout, eel, pike) and waterbirds, which reside there constantly (herring gull) or during winter (long-tailed duck, little tern).

Can NATO defend the Baltics?

Given the lack of strategic depth in the Baltic states (Tallinn is only 125 miles from the Russian border),Nato cannot rely on a defensive plan based on manoeuvre warfare or on a reinforcement capability which takes too long to arrive. It needs to have assets in place which would enable it to retaliate immediately.

Do Baltic states want NATO?

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Baltic defense officials believe expanding NATO’s military presence, including by increasing the size of NATO’s multinational forces in the region and establishing division-sized command structures, is the best way to ward off any plans by Putin to lunge for more territory beyond Ukraine.

Why are the Baltics so successful?

The Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – have achieved substantial economic success since they regained independence in 1991.Market economies were established, living standards have increased and a high degree of macroeconomic stability has been attained.

What is the dirtiest sea in the world?

The Mediterranean

The Mediterraneanis probably the most polluted ocean in the world. The United Nations Environment Programme has estimated that 650,000,000 tons of sewage, 129,000 tons of mineral oil, 60,000 tons of mercury, 3,800 tons of lead and 36,000 tons of phosphates are dumped into the Mediterranean each year.

Can you drink from the Baltic Sea?

As for the Baltic Sea, its low salinity means it, too,can be drunk, though it is worth boiling it first, particularly when taken from the vicinity of Tallinn or any other coastal settlements.

Which is colder North Sea or Baltic Sea?

TheBaltic Sea is usually 1-2 degrees warmer, so not much of a difference.

Do whales live in the Baltic Sea?

The harbour porpoise is the only whale resident in the Baltic Sea. It has been present here since the Baltic Sea formed some 10 000 years ago, but today there is only a small remnant of the historical population left.

Are Baltic Vikings?

The Baltic Finnic warriors’ weapons and jewellery were indistinguishable from the ones from Eastern Sweden or Gotland. To put it simply,coastal warriors, who lived in modern Estonia, Finland and Latvia were also Vikings, and both archeological as well as written sources prove it.

Which Baltic country is most Russian?

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Today about 25% ofLatvia’spopulation are ethnic Russians. In Estonia, Russians are concentrated in urban areas, particularly in Tallinn and the north-eastern county of Ida-Virumaa. As of 2011, 38.5% of Tallinn’s population were ethnic Russians and an even higher number – 46.7% spoke Russian as their mother tongue.

Is Germany on the Baltic?

The Baltic Sea runs along the north coast of Germany, and offers countless possibilities to swim, sail, surf and relax in one of the many resorts and islands. Between the beautiful port city of Flensburg and the island of Usedom there are about 750 kilometres of coastline.

Are Baltic and Slavic the same?

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The Baltic languages show a close relationship with the Slavic languages, and are grouped with them in a Balto-Slavic family by most scholars. This family is considered to have developed from a common ancestor, Proto-Balto-Slavic.