The Caspian Sea is bordered by five countries:Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia. The sea is called “dead” becauseits high salinity prevents macroscopic aquatic organisms, such as fish and aquatic plants, from living in it, though minuscule quantities of bacteria and microbial fungi are present. In a nutshell, if the Caspian is considered to be a sea, then ownership of the seabed will be based on each country’s coastline. If the Caspian is considered to be a lake, then the seabed will be divided evenly between all littoral states.
The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on Earth by both area and volume, with a surface area of 371,000 square kilometres (143,244 mi²) and a volume of 78,200 cubic kilometres (18,761 mi³). It is a landlocked endorheic body of water and lies between Asia and Europe. It has a maximum depth of about 1025 meters (3,363 ft).
The sea stretches nearly 1,200 km (750 mi) from north to south, with an average width of 320 km (200 mi). Its gross coverage is 386,400 km2 (149,200 sq mi) and the surface is about 27 m (89 ft) below sea level. Its main freshwater inflow, Europe’s longest river, the Volga, enters at the shallow north end. Two deep basins form its central and southern zones. These lead to horizontal differences in temperature, salinity, and ecology. The seabed in the south reaches 1,023 m (3,356 ft) below sea level, which is the second-lowest natural non-oceanic depression on Earth after Lake Baikal (−1,180 m or −3,870 ft). Written accounts from the ancient inhabitants of its coast perceived the Caspian Sea as an ocean, probably because of its salinity and large size. With a surface area of 371,000 square kilometres (143,000 sq mi), the Caspian Sea is nearly five times as big as Lake Superior (82,000 square kilometres (32,000 sq mi)). The Caspian Sea is home to a wide range of species and is known for its caviar and oil industries. Pollution from the oil industry and dams on rivers draining into it have harmed its ecology.
The Caspian Sea is salty, with about 1 percent salinity compared with the Dead Sea’s 34 percent. Surface salinity impedes evaporation – a paper published in 2018 notes that the evaporation rate from the surface where freshwater enters the Dead Sea was as much as three times higher than from the salty surface.
The Caspian Sea also shows varying levels of salinity. Overall, it isabout one-third as salty as the ocean. The water is saltiest in the south and freshest in the north. Roughly 130 rivers feed the giant lake, and nearly all of them enter from the north or west.
Can you swim in the Caspian?
3. Can you swim in the Caspian Sea?Most parts of the sea are perfect for swimming and relaxing. It has a fantastic climate, and not to forget that the sands in the Absheron peninsula, near Baku and other villages, are rich in minerals and salts with healing properties.
Can you drink Caspian Sea water?
However, it is unique not only because of its size. As distinct from other lakes, the water of the Caspian is not fresh, but brackish. Each liter of Caspian water contains 10-13 grams of salt making this waterunsuitable for drinking or irrigation.
Are there sharks in Caspian Sea?
Unfortunately, due to the fisheries and the degradation of the natural habitat, the Mediterranean-Caspian area is far more dangerous for their sea life than for humans. Angel sharks used to roam much of the water, but they have become endangered with all of this activity.
Does anything live in the Caspian Sea?
About 850 animal and more than 500 plant species live in the Caspian. Although the number of species is relatively low for a body of water of that size, many of them are endemic (i.e., found only there).

Why is Caspian not freshwater?
Lacking an outlet, the Caspian Sea loses water only by evaporation, leading to the accumulation of salt. Although a lake, the Caspian is not a freshwater lake; the water delivered by the Volga River minimizes the lake’s salt content at the northern end, but the Caspian grows more saline to the south.
Is the Caspian Sea in danger?
Climate change is only set to make the situation worse, according to research. A 2020 study called for greater attention to falling water levels in inland seas and reservoirs, like the Caspian. The study warned thatwater levels in the Caspian Sea could fall by 9-18 metres by the end of the century.
Why is the Caspian Sea important to Iran?
Iran and Russia are the two largest countries that border the sea, the world’s largest inland body of water. The Caspian region thereforeprovides many opportunities for diplomatic, economic, and military engagement between Iran and Russia.
Can ships leave the Caspian Sea?
The Caspian is a closed sea, but a series of canals and the Volga and Don rivers connect it to the Sea of Azov, allowing Russia to move ships in and out.
Why are there no sharks in the Caspian Sea?
That body of water is home to seals and other shark prey, butnot in sufficient densities to sustain large sharks.
Does the Caspian Sea ever freeze?
The Caspian Sea is the largest brackish lake in the world, its shallow northern partfreezes annually.
How far is Tehran from the Caspian Sea?
How far is it from Caspian Sea to Tehrān? The distance between Caspian Sea and Tehrān is706 km.
Can you eat fish from the Caspian Sea?
Whitefish from the Caspian Sea region is among the preferred type of fish for the Nowruz feast. The popularity of whitefish grew in other parts of the country since it became available with the improved means of transportation and refrigeration.
Can ships go from Caspian Sea to Black Sea?
Together with the lower Volga and the lower Don, the canal provides the shortest navigable connection between the Caspian Sea and the world’s oceans, if the Mediterranean is counted, via the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea.
What is Caspian known for?
The Caspian’s strategic importance lies in itsabundance of energy resources. The sea contains large volumes of oil and natural gas reserves both in offshore deposits and in onshore fields in the immediate region.
Does the Caspian Sea connect to the Persian Gulf?
The shipping canal from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf is a key element of this transport corridor. “This is truly a massive project developing the transport artery with a length of 7200 kilometers – from St. Petersburg to seaports of Iran and India,” Putin said.
How far is Tehran from the Caspian Sea?
How far is it from Caspian Sea to Tehrān? The distance between Caspian Sea and Tehrān is300 km.
Is the Caspian Sea deep?
The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on Earth by both area and volume, with a surface area of 371,000 square kilometres (143,244 mi²) and a volume of 78,200 cubic kilometres (18,761 mi³). It is a landlocked endorheic body of water and lies between Asia and Europe. It has a maximum depth of about 1025 meters (3,363 ft).