Norway, Iceland, and Denmark/Faroe Islandsshare the territorial waters of the Norwegian Sea, with the largest part belonging to the first. The Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian Seas (GINS) aregateways for water exchange between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic that play a key role in the global climate system. The presence of oil, fisheries, and other natural and material resources have spurred intensive observation and research in the region.
How cold is the Norwegian Sea? The warmest water temperature is in August with an average around 58.1°F / 14.5°C. The coldest month is March with an average water temperature of 40.8°F / 4.9°C.
There are three main water masses in both the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea: Atlantic waters, Arctic waters and coastal waters.Every single second, around 8 million tonnes of warm, salty water flows into the Norwegian Sea from the North Atlantic.
Norway has a large number of white sandy beaches, which extend long along its coastline.All of these have clear water, that makes them ideal for swimming and water sports.

Is Norwegian part of Europe?
Yes. The EEA EFTA states participate in many EU programmes and agencies. They are also members of the Schengen cooperation, which abolishes border controls between members.Norway also cooperates closely with the EU on foreign and security policy issues.
Why does the sea make you happy? The Ocean Is The “Right Place”
Brain imaging research has shown thatproximity to water is strongly linked to your brain releasing feel-good hormones, including dopamine and oxytocin. This is likely why Hawaii has been ranked the happiest of all states for the last six years.

Norway ranks exceptionally well- (better than its Nordic neighbours Finland, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden)in terms of its GDP. The country also fares well in the “social support” category and the “life expectancy” one. Another area where the country excels is in the “freedom to make life choices” category.
The Polar Night can last days to months depending on your location. On the North Cape, the sun remains under the horizon for more than two months, whilein Tromsø the phenomenon lasts for six weeks or so. In Lofoten, the dark period is short, just under four weeks.
Several shark species are found in Norwegian waters. The most common are spurdog, velvet-belly lanternshark, Greenland shark, porbeagle and basking shark. In the Norwegian and Barents Sea area there are about 3,000 killer whales. Some small fraction of this population spends time around Svalbard. The killer whale is the largest member of the dolphin family, and like most other dolphins they live in social groups.
Almost 100 % of the Norwegian population have access to treated drinking water from waterworks that meet high quality standards. Most wastewater is treated, and the majority of the population is connected to municipal wastewater systems.
Who owns the Norwegian Sea?
Norway, Iceland, and Denmark/Faroe Islandsshare the territorial waters of the Norwegian Sea, with the largest part belonging to the first. Norway has claimed twelve-mile limit as territorial waters since 2004 and an exclusive economic zone of 200 miles since 1976.
Is Norwegian part of Viking?
The Vikings originated from the area that became modern-day Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. They settled in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Iceland, Greenland, North America, and parts of the European mainland, among other places.
What lives in the Norwegian Sea?
Norwegian Wildlife – Water
- Beluga Whale. Beluga whales are also known as white whales. …
- Harbour Seal. Harbour Seals can be seen along the entire coast of Norway. …
- Killer Whale. There are thought to be around 3000 Killer Whales living in the Norwegian and Barents Sea around Svalbard. …
- Ringed Seal. …
- Sperm Whale.
Is the Norwegian Sea calm?
Generally the inner fjords are calm, not at all like the ocean(big ocean waves do not reach places like Geiranger). The Norwegian coast is also protected by a myriad of islands, most boats run safely “behind” this “wall”. Some fjords are affected by local sea breeze or land breeze on warm summer days. 4.
Is the Norwegian Sea freshwater? Similar conditions found in the United States
According to CNN, researchers estimated that it contains enough water to fill 1.1 billion swimming pools. This makes itthe largest underwater freshwater aquifer found on Earth.
Do you see whales on a Norway cruise?
On Hurtigruten,you may encounter whales while sitting on deck in the fjords of Northern Norway, on a whale-watching excursion or even from a kayak– an excursion as close to the water you can possibly get without actually jumping in.
Can I live in Norway as an EU citizen?
If you are an EU/EEA national you have the right to live, work and study in Norway. Depending on where you are from, family members of an EU/EEA national can either apply for a residence card or use the registration scheme. The applicant is the person who wishes to visit or live in Norway.
Is Norwegian like German?
While the two Germanic languages with the greatest numbers of speakers, English and German, have close similarities with Norwegian, neither is mutually intelligible with it. Norwegian is a descendant of Old Norse, the common language of the Germanic peoples living in Scandinavia during the Viking Age.