Ocean Tide 800x480

About tide in the Ocean(The Tidal Ocean)

Twice a day, the sea rises up the shore then falls back again
in tides. However, the effect is only local. While the tide
is rising in one place, it is falling in another, as huge forces are
exerted on the vast mass of water in the oceans.
Tides fall in one place and rise in another because the water in
the oceans is moving around, flowing this way and that across the
face of the planet, so that it piles up in one place, making the tide
flow in, and drops away in another, making the tide ebb. It is this
continual ebb and flow of ocean water that makes many simple
explanations of why tides occur misleading or wrong.

View More About tide in the Ocean(The Tidal Ocean)


Yemen Maritime Zone Boundaries Map Chart

Yemen maritime claim about baselines(straight baseline) for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea

Maritime Claims, yemen, Yemen Arab Republic maritime claim, Yemen continental shelf map, Yemen EEZ map, Yemen exclusive economic zone map, Yemen internal waters map, Yemen maritime boundaries, Yemen maritime claims, Yemen territorial waters map

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Uruguay Maritime Claims About Straight Baselines 1

Uruguay maritime claims about straight baselines and the outer limit of the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone

Maritime Claims, Uruguay, Uruguay continental shelf map, Uruguay EEZ map, Uruguay exclusive economic zone map, Uruguay internal waters map, Uruguay maritime boundaries, Uruguay maritime claims, Uruguay territorial waters map

View More Uruguay maritime claims about straight baselines and the outer limit of the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone


Tanzania Maritime Claims About Straight Baselines

Tanzania maritime claims about straight baselines

Maritime Claims, Tanzania, Tanzania continental shelf map, Tanzania EEZ map, Tanzania exclusive economic zone map, Tanzania internal waters map, Tanzania maritime boundaries, Tanzania maritime claims, Tanzania straight baseline claim, Tanzania territorial waters map

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United Arab Emirates Maritime Claims About Straight Baselines System

United Arab Emirates maritime claims about Straight Baselines System in Persian Gulf

Maritime Claims, UAE maritime zones, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates continental shelf map, United Arab Emirates EEZ map, United Arab Emirates exclusive economic zone map, United Arab Emirates internal waters map, United Arab Emirates maritime boundaries, United Arab Emirates maritime claims, United Arab Emirates maritime zone, United Arab Emirates territorial waters map

View More United Arab Emirates maritime claims about Straight Baselines System in Persian Gulf


Tunisia Maritime Claims About Drawing Of Straight Baselines 690x480

Tunisia maritime claims about drawing of straight baselines

Maritime Claims, Tunisia, Tunisia continental shelf map, Tunisia EEZ map, Tunisia exclusive economic zone map, Tunisia internal waters map, Tunisia maritime boundaries, Tunisia maritime claims, Tunisia territorial waters map

View More Tunisia maritime claims about drawing of straight baselines


Sudan Maritime Claims

Sudan maritime claims about straight baseline in the Red Sea

Maritime Claims, straight baseline in the Red Sea, Sudan, Sudan continental shelf map, Sudan EEZ map, Sudan internal waters map, Sudan maritime boundaries, Sudan maritime claims

View More Sudan maritime claims about straight baseline in the Red Sea


Saudi Arabia Maritime Claims About Baselines Internal Waters 1

Saudi Arabia maritime claims about baselines of Saudi Arabia “in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Persian Gulf”

Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia baseline claims, Saudi Arabia baseline in Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia baseline in Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia baseline in Red sea, Saudi Arabia continental shelf map, Saudi Arabia EEZ map, Saudi Arabia internal waters map, Saudi Arabia maritime boundaries, Saudi Arabia maritime claims, Saudi Arabia straight baseline claims, Saudi Arabia territorial waters map

View More Saudi Arabia maritime claims about baselines of Saudi Arabia “in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Persian Gulf”


Romania Maritime Claim About Drawing Of Straight Baselines And The Outer Limit Of Its Territorial Sea

Romania maritime claim about drawing of straight baselines and the outer limit of its territorial sea

black sea maritime borders, black sea maritime boundaries, Maritime Claims, Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea case, romania, Romania continental shelf map, Romania EEZ map, Romania internal waters map, Romania maritime boundaries, Romania maritime claims, Romania territorial waters map

View More Romania maritime claim about drawing of straight baselines and the outer limit of its territorial sea


Republic Of Korea Maritime Claims About Baselines For Measuring The Breadth Of The Territorial Sea

Republic of Korea maritime claims about baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea

exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Korea, Maritime Claims, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea continental shelf map, Republic of Korea EEZ map, Republic of Korea maritime boundaries, Republic of Korea maritime claims, Republic of Korea territorial waters map

View More Republic of Korea maritime claims about baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea


QAT MZN125 2016 00ill 1 820x480

Qatar maritime claim about bay closing lines

Maritime Boundary Delimitations in the Persian Gulf, Persian Gulf, Qatar, Qatar continental shelf map, Qatar EEZ map, Qatar exclusive economic zone map, Qatar internal waters map, Qatar maritime boundaries, Qatar maritime claims, Qatar territorial waters map

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National Territory Map 820x480

Philippines maritime claims about Archipelagic Baselines

Maritime Claims, Philippines, Philippines continental shelf map, Philippines EEZ map, Philippines internal waters map, Philippines maritime boundaries, Philippines maritime claims, Philippines territorial waters map

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CRI PAN 731x480

Panama maritime claim about baselines

Maritime Claims, Panama, Panama continental shelf, Panama EEZ map, Panama maritime boundaries, panama maritime charts, Panama maritime claims, Panama territorial waters map

View More Panama maritime claim about baselines


Image 2 820x480

Pakistan maritime claims for the drawing of the straight baselines

Maritime Claims, Pakistan, Pakistan EEZ map, Pakistan internal waters map, Pakistan maritime boundaries, Pakistan maritime claims, Pakistan straight baselines claims, Pakistan territorial waters map

View More Pakistan maritime claims for the drawing of the straight baselines


Kart Bouvetoya

Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around Bouvet island

Bouvet island, Bouvet island map, Bouvet island territorial waters, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map

View More Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around Bouvet island


Image 1 820x480

Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen and extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway(2003)

Jan Mayen, Jan Mayen maritime boundaries, limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway continental shelf map, Norway EEZ map, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, Svalbard, Svalbard baselines, Svalbard maritime boundaries, territorial sea around Jan Mayen, territorial sea around Svalbard

View More Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen and extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway(2003)


Jan Mayen

Norway maritime claims about limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen

Jan Mayen, Jan Mayen maritime boundaries, limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, territorial sea around Jan Mayen

View More Norway maritime claims about limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen


Norway Internal And Territorial Waters 1

Norway maritime claims about baselines for determining the extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway

Norway maritime claims about baselines for determining the extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway continental shelf map, Norway EEZ map, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map

View More Norway maritime claims about baselines for determining the extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway


15718085 027 01 S02 I0001 460x480

Norway maritime claims about drawing the baselines for measuring the width of the territorial sea around Svalbard

Norway, Norway continental shelf map, Norway EEZ map, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, Svalbard baselines, Svalbard maritime boundaries, territorial sea around Svalbard

View More Norway maritime claims about drawing the baselines for measuring the width of the territorial sea around Svalbard


Nicaragua Maritime Claims About Points Concerning The Baselines From Which The Breadth Of The Territorial Sea

Nicaragua maritime claims about points concerning the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea

Maritime Claims, nicaragua, Nicaragua continental shelf map, Nicaragua EEZ map, Nicaragua internal waters map, Nicaragua maritime boundaries, Nicaragua maritime claims, nicaragua maritime territory, Nicaragua straight baselines claim, Nicaragua territorial waters map

View More Nicaragua maritime claims about points concerning the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea


COL NIC 636x480

Nicaragua maritime claims about straight baselines

Maritime Claims, nicaragua, Nicaragua continental shelf map, Nicaragua EEZ map, Nicaragua internal waters map, Nicaragua maritime boundaries, Nicaragua maritime claims, Nicaragua straight baselines claim, Nicaragua territorial waters map

View More Nicaragua maritime claims about straight baselines


Australia New Zeland Maritime Boundary 519x480

New Zealand maritime claims about baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea and maritime boundary delimited between New Zealand and Australia

Australia, maritime boundary delimited between New Zealand and Australia, Maritime Claims, New Zealand, New Zealand EEZ map, New Zealand internal waters, New Zealand maritime boundaries, New Zealand maritime claims, New Zealand straight baseline claims, New Zealand territorial sea map, New Zealand territorial waters, New Zealand territorial waters claims

View More New Zealand maritime claims about baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea and maritime boundary delimited between New Zealand and Australia


Nl Northsea 2021 820x480

Netherlands maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea

Maritime Claims, netherlands, Netherlands boundaries in the North Sea, Netherlands continental shelf map, Netherlands EEZ map, Netherlands internal waters map, Netherlands maritime boundaries, Netherlands maritime claims, Netherlands straight baseline, Netherlands territorial sea map, Netherlands territorial waters map

View More Netherlands maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea


Myanmar Maritime Claims

Myanmar maritime claims about straight baselines for the Preparis and CoCo Islands, as contained in the Law Amending the Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law

CoCo Islands, Maritime Claims, myanmar, Myanmar continental shelf map, Myanmar EEZ map, myanmar exclusive economic zone, Myanmar exclusive economic zone map, Myanmar internal waters map, Myanmar maritime boundaries, Myanmar maritime claims, myanmar territorial sea and maritime zone law, Myanmar Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law, Myanmar territorial sea map, Myanmar territorial waters map, Preparis islands

View More Myanmar maritime claims about straight baselines for the Preparis and CoCo Islands, as contained in the Law Amending the Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law


Map Showing Myanmars Claimed Territorial Waters 645x480

Myanmar maritime claims about Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones

myanmar, Myanmar continental shelf map, Myanmar EEZ map, myanmar exclusive economic zone, Myanmar exclusive economic zone map, Myanmar internal waters map, Myanmar maritime boundaries, Myanmar maritime claims, myanmar territorial sea and maritime zone law, Myanmar Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law, Myanmar territorial sea map, Myanmar territorial waters map, total sea area of myanmar

View More Myanmar maritime claims about Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones


Madagascar Maritime Claims

Madagascar maritime claims about baselines(Straight) from which the breadth of the territorial sea

Madagascar, Madagascar internal waters map, Madagascar maritime boundaries, Madagascar maritime claims, Madagascar straight baseline map, Madagascar territorial waters map, Maritime Claims

View More Madagascar maritime claims about baselines(Straight) from which the breadth of the territorial sea


Baltic Sea The Lithuanian Economic Zone 820x480

Lithuania maritime claims about straight baselines as well as the outer limits of the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf

Baltic Sea, Lithuania, Lithuania continental shelf map, Lithuania EEZ map, Lithuania exclusive economic zone map, Lithuania maritime boundaries, Lithuania maritime claims, lithuania’s boundaries and territorial claims, Maritime Claims

View More Lithuania maritime claims about straight baselines as well as the outer limits of the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf


Kuwait Saudi Arabia 01 820x480

Kuwait maritime claims about baseline, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf

Kuwait, Kuwait Claimed Territorialities and Overlapping with Iran, Kuwait continental shelf map, Kuwait EEZ map, Kuwait internal waters map, Kuwait maritime boundaries, Kuwait maritime claims, Maritime Boundary Delimitations in the Persian Gulf, Maritime Claims

View More Kuwait maritime claims about baseline, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf


Unnamed 9

Kenya maritime claims about straight baselines and outer limits of the exclusive economic zone

Kenya, Kenya continental shelf map, Kenya EEZ map, Kenya exclusive economic zone, Kenya exclusive economic zone claim, kenya maritime border, Kenya maritime boundaries, Kenya maritime claims, kenya-somalia maritime dispute, Maritime Claims, maritime zones act kenya

View More Kenya maritime claims about straight baselines and outer limits of the exclusive economic zone


Japan Maritime Zone 820x480

Japan maritime claims about straight baselines and outer limits of the territorial sea

Japan, japan continental shelf map, Japan internal waters map, Japan maritime boundaries, Japan maritime claims, JAPAN STRAIGHT BASELINE CLAIM, Japan territorial sea map, Japan territorial waters map, Maritime Claims

View More Japan maritime claims about straight baselines and outer limits of the territorial sea


COL JAM 820x480

Jamaica maritime claim about archipelagic basepoints

Jamaica, jamaica archipelago, Jamaica continental shelf map, Jamaica EEZ map, Jamaica maritime boundaries, Jamaica maritime claims, Jamaica maritime map, Jamaica territorial waters map, Jamaica’s Archipelagic Claim, Jamaican archipelagic straight baseline, limits in the seas jamaica

View More Jamaica maritime claim about archipelagic basepoints


Italy Maritime Boundaries

Italy maritime claims about baselines, internal waters, territorial waters, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf(between former Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Greece, Albania and in Mediterranean sea, Adriatic sea, Ionian sea, tyrrhenian sea and Sardinia)

Italy maritime claims about baselines, internal waters, territorial waters, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf(between former Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Greece, Albania and in Mediterranean sea, Adriatic sea, Ionian sea, tyrrhenian sea and Sardinia), italy, Italy and greece maritime delimitation, Italy continental shelf map, Italy internal waters, Italy marine zone, Italy maritime boundaries, Italy maritime claims, Italy territorial waters map, Maritime Claims, maritime delimitation

View More Italy maritime claims about baselines, internal waters, territorial waters, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf(between former Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Greece, Albania and in Mediterranean sea, Adriatic sea, Ionian sea, tyrrhenian sea and Sardinia)


Iran Iraq 820x480

Iraq maritime claim about baseline of the territorial sea

Iraq maritime claim about baseline of the territorial sea, Iraq, Iraq internal waters map, Iraq Maritime boundaries, Iraq Maritime claims, Iraq territorial water map, Maritime Boundary Delimitations in the Persian Gulf, Maritime Claims, Persian Gulf

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Image 56 820x480

Indonesia maritime claim about Archipelagic Baselines

Indonesia maritime claim about Archipelagic Baselines, archipelagic state indonesia, Indonesia, Indonesia Archipelagic Baselines, indonesia archipelagic sea lanes, indonesia baseline, Indonesia EEZ map, Indonesia maritime boundaries, Indonesia Straight Baselines, Indonesian territorial waters map, malaysia indonesia maritime boundary, Maritime Claims, Territorial waters of Indonesia

View More Indonesia maritime claim about Archipelagic Baselines


India Claim About Points Defining The Baselines Of India Straight Baseline

India claim about points defining the baselines of India (straight baseline)

India claim about points defining the baselines of India (straight baseline), india, India continental shelf map, India EEZ map, India maritime boundaries, India maritime claims, Maritime Claims

View More India claim about points defining the baselines of India (straight baseline)


Image 55 820x480

Honduras maritime claim about straight baselines

Honduras maritime claim about straight baselines, honduras, Honduras EEZ map, Honduras maritime boundaries, Honduras maritime claims, Honduras maritime map, Honduras Straight Baseline Claim, Maritime Claims

View More Honduras maritime claim about straight baselines


CIV GHA Web 731x480

Ghana maritime claims about delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf between Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire

a list of geographical coordinates of points concerning the lines of delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf between…

View More Ghana maritime claims about delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf between Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire



Bg List 4 820x480

France maritime claims with Jersey, United Kingdom, Crozet archipelago, Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island, Kerguelen Islands and Netherlands

France maritime claims with Jersey, United Kingdom, Crozet archipelago, Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island, Kerguelen Islands and Netherlands, Amsterdam Island, Amsterdam Island maritime boundary, Areas of France’s maritime spaces of sovereignty, Crozet archipelago, Crozet archipelago maritime boundary, france, France maritime claims, Kerguelen Islands, Kerguelen Islands maritime boundary, Maritime Claims, netherlands, Saint Paul Island, United kingdom

View More France maritime claims with Jersey, United Kingdom, Crozet archipelago, Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island, Kerguelen Islands and Netherlands


Image 51 820x480

France maritime claims about outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of the Éparses Islands, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Tromelin Island, including lines of delimitation

France maritime claims about outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of the Éparses Islands, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Tromelin Island, including lines of delimitation, Éparses Islands, Éparses Islands maritime boundary, Éparses Islands maritime claims, france, France maritime claims, Mayotte island, outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of Tromelin Island, Reunion Island, Reunion Island maritime boundary, Reunion Island maritime claims, Tromelin Island, Tromelin Island maritime boundary, Tromelin Island maritime claims

View More France maritime claims about outer limits of the exclusive economic zone of the Éparses Islands, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Tromelin Island, including lines of delimitation