
Interpretations of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by International Courts and Tribunals, download pdf

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Angela Del Vecchio • Roberto Virzo
Interpretations of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by International Courts and Tribunals

The Contribution of Benedetto Conforti to the International Law
Giuseppe Cataldi
The ‘General Rule of Interpretation’ in the International
Jurisprudence Relating to the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea 15
Roberto Virzo
Part I The International Court of Justice and the Interpretation
La coutume, la CNUDM et la Cour internationale de Justice 41
Guillaume Le Floch
L’interprétation de l’article 121 de la Convention des Nations Unies
sur le droit de la mer par la Cour internationale de Justice 59
Valérie Boré Eveno
Part II The International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea and the
Interpretation of UNCLOS
Governance of the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea:
The Role of the Meeting of States Parties to the Law of the Sea
Convention 81
Niels M. Blokker
The Contribution of the ITLOS to Strengthening the Regime
for the Protection of the Marine Environment 93
Alexander Proelss
The Requirement of Urgency in the Jurisprudence of ITLOS
Concerning Provisional Measures 107
Yoshifumi Tanaka

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The Jurisdictional Debate in the Request for an Advisory Opinion
Submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC)
to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea 125
Miguel García García-Revillo
The Interpretative Value of the Principle of the Common Heritage
of Mankind and the Interests and Needs of Developing Countries
in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 139
Enrico Zamuner
Part III Arbitral Tribunals and the Interpretation of UNCLOS
The Provisional Measures in The “Enrica Lexie” Incident Case 155
Andrea Cannone
Non-participation in Arbitral Proceedings Under Annex VII United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Arctic Sunrise
and South China Sea Compared 171
Otto Spijkers
The Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on the Law
of the Sea in the Chagos Marine Protected Area Arbitration:
The Influence of the Land Sovereignty Dispute 191
Mario Gervasi
The Law of Maritime Delimitation in the Croatia/Slovenia
Final Award 225
Andrea Insolia
Part IV The Interpretation of UNCLOS by Other International
Tribunals and Bodies
Les liens entre la CEDH et le droit de la mer dans la jurisprudence
de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme 269
Andrea Caligiuri
The European Court of Justice and the Interpretation of the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 285
Gabriela A. Oanta
La Cour de justice et la représentation de l’Union européenne devant
le Tribunal international du droit de la mer 307
Isabelle Pingel
The Relationship Between International Trade Law and the Law
of the Sea in the WTO Dispute Settlement Practice 321
Maria Irene Papa

Part V Specific Issues Related to the Interpretation of UNCLOS
Discretionary Power of Coastal States and the Control
of Its Compliance with International Law
by International Tribunals 349
Erietta Scalieri
Between Consent and Effectiveness: Incidental Determinations
and the Expansion of the Jurisdiction of UNCLOS Tribunals 383
Loris Marotti
The Use of Experts by the International Tribunal for the Law
of the Sea and Annex VII Arbitral Tribunals 407
Lucas Carlos Lima
‘Considerations of Humanity’ in the Jurisprudence of ITLOS
and UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunals 421
Francesca Delfino

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