various charts and geographical coordinates, as contained in:
– Presidential Decree No. 830 of 22 May 1969;
– Decree of the President of the Republic No. 816 of 26 April 1977;
– Law No. 347 of 3 June 1978;
– Law No. 348 of 3 June 1978;
– Law 107 of 2 March 1987 (published in Regular Supplement to the G.U. 70 of 25 March 1987);
– Law No. 59 of 11 February 1989;
– Law No. 147 of 12 April 1995 (published in Regular Supplement to the G.U. 99 of 29 April 1995);
– Law 290 of 23 May 1980 (published in Regular Supplement to the G.U. 181 of 3 July 1980);
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