In UNCLOS analysis, “accuracy” means the extent to which a measured or enumerated value, such as “mile” or “nautical mile,” agrees with an assumed or accepted value.
what is the meaning of “Accuracy” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international law, “Accuracy” in law of the sea, 200 nautical miles, Why do ships use nautical miles instead of kilometres or statute miles?
Tag: 200 nautical miles
what is the meaning of CONTINENTAL SHELF on the law of the sea and customary international law?
In light of the dictum of the Court and Article 76 of the LOSC, it may be argued that currently the distance criterion is the legal title over the continental shelf up to 200 nautical miles, and the natural prolongation offers legal title over the shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. what is the meaning of CONTINENTAL SHELF on the law of the sea and customary international law?, Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, continental shelf, Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles, extended continental shelf, LOSC, 200 metres isobath, 200 nautical miles, Article 76 of the LOSC, continent, continental shelf, Convention on the Continental Shelf, LOSC, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, seabed, submarine, subsoil, Truman Proclamation
View More what is the meaning of CONTINENTAL SHELF on the law of the sea and customary international law?