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Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen and extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway(2003)

Jan Mayen, Jan Mayen maritime boundaries, limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway continental shelf map, Norway EEZ map, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, Svalbard, Svalbard baselines, Svalbard maritime boundaries, territorial sea around Jan Mayen, territorial sea around Svalbard

View More Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen and extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway(2003)
Jan Mayen

Norway maritime claims about limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen

Jan Mayen, Jan Mayen maritime boundaries, limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, territorial sea around Jan Mayen

View More Norway maritime claims about limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen
Archipelagic Baselines After Francalanci And Romano 1986 TSTerritorial Sea CZ

The meaning and rule of ISLANDS baseline and its difference with rocks and reefs on the law of the sea and LOSC

The definition of an island is provided in Article 121(1) of the LOSC:
An island is a naturally-formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide. This provision, which follows Article 10(1) of the TSC, contains four criteria that call for comment.. the meaning and role of ISLANDS baseline situation and its difference with rocks and reefs on the on the law of the sea and LOSC, Article 121 of the LOSC, Article 121(2) of the LOSC, baseline, continental shelf, Definition of an Island, EEZ, Greenland/Jan Mayen case, Hvalrossbukta, ISLANDS, Jan Mayen, Judges Bedjaoui, low water line, Nicaragua/Colombia case, Okinotorishima, Qatar/Bahrain case, Qit’at Jaradah, reefs, rocks, South China Sea Arbitration, UNCLOS I, UNCLOS III, Walrus Bay

View More The meaning and rule of ISLANDS baseline and its difference with rocks and reefs on the law of the sea and LOSC