Ekin 333x480

ENERGY KINGDOMS, Oil and Political Survival in the Persian Gulf, download pdf

please mail to us (info(@)iilss.net) or send your request in contact page for buying this book with 50% discount Acknowledgments ixIntroduction 1 please mail to…

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Image 700x480

The Persian Gulf in History, download pdf

please mail to us (info(@)iilss.net) or send your request in contact page for buying this book with 50% discount The Persian Gulf in HistoryEdited byLawrence…

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Persian Gulf

The Persian Gulf is an arm of the Arabian Sea between the mountainous coast of southwestern Iran and the rather flat coast of Arabian Peninsula. The gulf is approximately 1000 km long and 200 to 300 km wide, with an area of about 250,000 km². The inland sea is connected to the Gulf of Oman in the east by the Strait of Hormuz.

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QAT MZN125 2016 00ill 1 820x480

Qatar maritime claim about bay closing lines

Maritime Boundary Delimitations in the Persian Gulf, Persian Gulf, Qatar, Qatar continental shelf map, Qatar EEZ map, Qatar exclusive economic zone map, Qatar internal waters map, Qatar maritime boundaries, Qatar maritime claims, Qatar territorial waters map

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Kuwait Saudi Arabia 01 820x480

Kuwait maritime claims about baseline, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf

Kuwait, Kuwait Claimed Territorialities and Overlapping with Iran, Kuwait continental shelf map, Kuwait EEZ map, Kuwait internal waters map, Kuwait maritime boundaries, Kuwait maritime claims, Maritime Boundary Delimitations in the Persian Gulf, Maritime Claims

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Iran Iraq 820x480

Iraq maritime claim about baseline of the territorial sea

Iraq maritime claim about baseline of the territorial sea, Iraq, Iraq internal waters map, Iraq Maritime boundaries, Iraq Maritime claims, Iraq territorial water map, Maritime Boundary Delimitations in the Persian Gulf, Maritime Claims, Persian Gulf

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