In UNCLOS analysis, an “equidistance line,” synonymous with “equidistant line” or “median line,” means a line every point of which is equally distant from the nearest points on the baselines of two States. what is the meaning of “Equidistance line; equidistant line; median line” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international law, equidistance line, equidistant line, How are maritime boundaries defined?, median line, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is median line principle?, What is unclos and its purpose?
View More what is the meaning of “Equidistance line; equidistant line; median line” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international lawTag: median line
Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Australia-Indonesia case
Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Australia-Indonesia case, Australia, continental shelf boundaries, ibya/Malta Continental Shelf Case, Indonesia, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, median line, offshore areas of West Timor, Timor Gap, Timor Gap treaty, Treaty on the Zone of Co-operation in an Area between the Indonesian Province of East Timor and Northern Australia
View More Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Australia-Indonesia case