
Legal Nature of Maritime Delimitation in law of the sea and customary international law

Maritime delimitation may be defined as the process of establishing lines separating the spatial ambit of coastal State jurisdiction over maritime space where the legal title overlaps with that of another State. This definition calls for five comments:… Legal Nature of Maritime Delimitation in law of the sea and customary international law, a just and equitable share, continental shelf, délimitation constitutive, délimitation déclarative, EEZ, geographical co-ordinates, Gulf of Maine case, internal waters, International Sea-Bed Authority, maritime delimitation, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, provisional delimitation line, territorial sea, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?

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Proportionality as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law

Proportionality as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, adjacent coasts, Anglo-French Continental Shelf case, delimitation process, Equitable Principles, existence of particular coastal configurations, ITLOS, maritime delimitation, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, Proportionality, quasi-equal length of the relevant coasts, relevant circumstances

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Configuration of Coasts as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law

Configuration of Coasts as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, Bangladesh/India Arbitration, Bangladesh/Myanmar case, Configuration of Coasts, delimitation process, equidistance line, equidistance method, geographical factors, Guinea/ Guinea-Bissau case, ITLOS, Libya/Malta judgment, line grosso modo, macrogeography, manifestly concave, maritime delimitation, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, opposite and adjacent coasts, provisional equidistance line, relevant circumstances

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Schematic Diagram Illustrating The Location Of The Continental Shelf Relative To Slope 820x480

what is the meaning of CONTINENTAL SHELF on the law of the sea and customary international law?

In light of the dictum of the Court and Article 76 of the LOSC, it may be argued that currently the distance criterion is the legal title over the continental shelf up to 200 nautical miles, and the natural prolongation offers legal title over the shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. what is the meaning of CONTINENTAL SHELF on the law of the sea and customary international law?, Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, continental shelf, Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles, extended continental shelf, LOSC, 200 metres isobath, 200 nautical miles, Article 76 of the LOSC, continent, continental shelf, Convention on the Continental Shelf, LOSC, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, seabed, submarine, subsoil, Truman Proclamation

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