Suriname, the smallest country on the South American continent, is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea and is known for its rich marine life and diverse maritime issues. Its maritime issues are complex and require new legal solutions to be implemented. In this article, we explore the historical development of Suriname’s maritime issues, the applicable international legal framework, Suriname’s position, and potential solutions.
View More Navigating Suriname’s Maritime Issues in International LawNavigating Suriname’s Maritime Issues in International Law
IILSS 18th September 2023Guyana/Suriname ArbitrationGuyana/Suriname caseMaritime delimitation between France and the Republic of SurinameNavigating Suriname's Maritime Issues in International LawSurinameSuriname continental shelf beyond 200 nautical milesSuriname continental shelf mapSuriname EEZ mapSuriname exclusive economic zone mapSuriname internal waters mapSuriname maritime boundariesSuriname maritime claimsSuriname maritime map and chartSuriname territorial waters mapSuriname’s Position in international law of the seas