Yemen Maritime Zone Boundaries Map Chart

Yemen maritime claim about baselines(straight baseline) for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea

Maritime Claims, yemen, Yemen Arab Republic maritime claim, Yemen continental shelf map, Yemen EEZ map, Yemen exclusive economic zone map, Yemen internal waters map, Yemen maritime boundaries, Yemen maritime claims, Yemen territorial waters map

View More Yemen maritime claim about baselines(straight baseline) for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea

The “Chaisiri Reefer 2” Case (Panama v. Yemen), Prompt Release

On 3 July 2001, an Application under article 292 of the Convention was filed on behalf of Panama against Yemen for the prompt release of the Chaisiri Reefer 2, a vessel flying the flag of Panama, its cargo and crew. The case was entered in the list of cases as Case No. 9.

View More The “Chaisiri Reefer 2” Case (Panama v. Yemen), Prompt Release