Rel Law Sea Scaled

The Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: A Commentary, download eBook in pdf

please mail to us (info(@) or send your request in contact page for buying this book with 50% discount The Rules of theInternational Tribunalfor the…

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Pp Tanaka 328x480

Predictability and Flexibility in the Law of Maritime Delimitation, Yoshifumi Tanaka, eBook download in pdf

The principal aim of this book is the quest for a well-balanced legal system
that reconciles predictability and flexibility in the law of maritime
delimitation. As with all types of law, the law of maritime delimitation
should possess a degree of predictability. On the other hand, as maritime
delimitation cases differ, flexible considerations of geographical and
non-geographical factors is also required in order to achieve equitable
results. How, then, is it possible to ensure predictability while taking into
account a diversity of factors in order to achieve an equitable result? This,
according to the author, is the question at the heart of the law of maritime
delimitation. The book addresses this issue in depth by looking at three
aspects of the question: first by looking at the two opposing and contrasting
approaches evident in the evolution of the law of maritime
delimitation; second, by undertaking a comparative study of the case law
and State practice; and third, by examining the theoretical problems
underlying the law of maritime delimitation.

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MARITIME DELIMITATION eBook download in pdf

please mail to us (info(@) or send your request in contact page for buying this book with 50% discount Maritime DelimitationEDITED BYRAINER LAGONIANDDANIEL VIGNESMARTINUS NIJHOFF…

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Tanaka Los 448x480

The International Law of the Sea by Yoshifumi Tanaka (pdf+download)

Y O S H I F U M I T A N A K A is Professor of International Law with Specific Focus on the Law of
the Sea at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. He is the single author of five
books: Predictability and Flexibility in the Law of Maritime Delimitation (2006; 2nd edition,
2019), A Dual Approach to Ocean Governance (2008), The International Law of the Sea
(2012; 2nd edition, 2015), The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Cambridge
University Press, 2018) and The South China Sea Arbitration (2019). He has published
widely in the fields of the law of the sea, international environmental law and peaceful
settlement of international disputes.

View More The International Law of the Sea by Yoshifumi Tanaka (pdf+download)