Maritime Boundaries Between Turkey And Bulgaria

Maritime boundaries between Turkey and Bulgaria

The two respective States agreed on 4 December 1997 to delimit the boundary in the mouth area of the Mutlidere/Rezovska River and the maritime areas in the Black Sea. The agreement concerning the delimitation of the maritime areas between the two adjacent States is based on a simplified equidistance line to produce an equitable and just delimitation. This maritime border was developed as an all-purpose boundary dividing the overlapping exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf entitlements of the Parties.

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Maritime Boundaries Between Turkey And Syria

maritime boundaries between Turkey and Syria

The land boundary between Syria and Turkey reaches the coast in Qasab Bay. The equidistant line is forced northwestwards to Syria’s advantage by Ras el- Basit, a limestone headland. When Turkey’s Ras el-Khanzir comes into range the line of equidistance is directed due west until the trijunction with Cyprus is reached. This trijunction is near 36° 02’ N and 35° 10’ E and the Turco-Syrian boundary extends for about 40 nm. This line appears to be equitable but it will require the question of Hatay Province to be resolved.

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Eastern Med

maritime boundaries between Turkey and Cyprus

In accordance with international law (both UNCLOS and customary), the delimitation of the continental shelf or the EEZ between States with opposite or adjacent coasts shall be effected by agreement on the basis of international law in order to achieve an equitable result. Cyprus has repeatedly called upon Turkey to enter into negotiations for the delimitation of their maritime zones, in accordance with international law. This invitation to Turkey was, in fact, repeated in a letter addressed to the UN Secretary-General, on 12th December 2018. Turkey dismissed any efforts for a peaceful negotiation, and has resorted to actions that jeopardize and hamper the reaching of a final agreement, in violation of Articles 74(3) and 83(3) UNCLOS, which reflect customary principles such as good faith, self-restraint and peaceful settlement of disputes

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Maritime Boundaries Between Greece And Turkey

maritime boundaries between Greece and Turkey

Turkey and Greece has Unsettled median lines between their own maritime borders. In 2018, Former Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said Greece is ready to extend its territorial waters from 6 to 12 nautical miles. In the first stage, he said, Greece will expand its sovereignty towards the west from the Diapontia Islands, a cluster of small islands in the Ionian Sea, to Antikythera, an island lying between the Peloponnese and Crete. But the plan is to also do the same in the Aegean.

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Republic Of Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone 1 820x480

Cyprus claims concerning the northern and north-western outer limits of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf

Cyprus claims concerning the northern and north-western outer limits of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, Cyprus continental shelf map, Cyprus exclusive economic zone map, Cyprus maritime boundaries, Cyprus maritime claims, Maritime disputes over the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus, Nicosia takes action against Turkish drilling in Cyprus’ EEZ, Republic of Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone, turkey, turkey maritime boundaries

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