
Argentina–Uruguay overlapping claims concerning boundary delimitation and the Río de la Plata

In 1973 Argentina and Uruguay concluded an agreement (1973 Agreement) concerning overlapping claims to the Río de la Plata and maritime zones seaward of a closing line at the mouth of the river. Seaward of the closing line, the 1973 Agreement establishes a ‘lateral maritime boundary’ and boundary of the continental shelf, which are both defined by a single equidistance line. The closing line and lateral maritime boundary are depicted in Figure. The lateral maritime boundary delimits several jurisdictional competencies recognized in the Agreement, which relate to: the exploration, conservation, and exploitation of resources; control and supervision of fishing activities; protection and preservation of the environment; scientific research; and construction and emplacement of installations. Viewing this delimitation of competencies in light of LOSC Part V, it is reasonable to regard the lateral maritime boundary as a delimitation of the EEZ and associated coastal state jurisdiction.

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