The Dungeness Crab, scientifically known as Metacarcinus magister, is a highly prized crustacean that has become an iconic symbol of the Pacific Northwest. Renowned for its succulent meat and sweet flavor, this crab species has captured the hearts and palates of seafood enthusiasts around the world. With its distinctive characteristics, extensive habitat, and vital importance to the region’s economy and culture, the Dungeness Crab holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike.
View More Dungeness Crab: A Culinary Delight and Icon of the Pacific NorthwestDungeness Crab: A Culinary Delight and Icon of the Pacific Northwest
IILSS 6th October 2023=Economic and Cultural Significance of Dungeness Craban Icon of the Pacific NorthwestCatching Dungeness Crab: Methods and RegulationsCelebrating the Dungeness CrabConservation Efforts to Preserve Dungeness Crab PopulationCulinary Delights: Exquisite Recipes Featuring Dungeness CrabDungeness Crab: A Culinary Delight and Icon of the Pacific NorthwestThe Dungeness CrabThe Dungeness Crab's Unique Characteristics and Habitat