Joint Regime Area United Kingdom Denmark Faeroe Islands

Denmark(Faroe Islands)–United Kingdom maritime boundary and Special Area

In May 1999 Denmark and the United Kingdom concluded an agreement (1999 Agreement) concerning their overlapping claims to fisheries zones and continental shelf in North Atlantic waters located between the Faroe Islands and Scotland. The 1999 Agreement designates continental shelf and fisheries zone boundaries in addition to a ‘Special Area’ of water column that remains subject to the overlapping jurisdictional claims both States.

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Argentina–United Kingdom: overlapping claims in the South Atlantic and Southern Oceans(Falkland/Malvinas Islands)

Argentina and the United Kingdom both claim sovereignty over the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, and assert a variety of overlapping maritime claims appertaining to these South Atlantic features. Several features currently occupied and administered by the United Kingdom and were the focus of an armed conflict between the two States in 1982. In the immediate aftermath of the conflict the United Kingdom declared a 150 nautical mile ‘Falkland Island Protection Zone’ (FIPZ) designed to restrict and control the navigation of Argentinean vessels in waters surrounding the Islands. In 1986 the United Kingdom supplemented its 3 nautical mile territorial sea claim around the Falkland Islands by (1) declaring an ‘Interim Conservation and Management Zone’ (FICZ) projected 150 nautical miles from a fixed point located in the center of the Islands, and (2) reiterating its claim to the continental shelf surrounding the Islands.The limits of the FIPZ and FICZ are illustrated in Figure. The primary concern influencing the declaration of the FICZ was the rapid and unsustainable escalation of commercial fishing in waters surrounding the Islands between 1982 and 1986. The declaration of the FICZ and reiterated continental shelf claim prompted Argentina to issue a protest note reaffirming its sovereignty claim to the Islands and ‘its rights of sovereignty and jurisdiction over the surrounding maritime waters, sea-bed and marine sub-soil, rights which it will continue to exercise in its capacity as a coastal State in accordance with international law.’ In 1989 both States entered into negotiations with a view to normalizing diplomatic relations after they were broken off during the 1982 conflict. Design features of provisional joint management frameworks:

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France maritime claims with Jersey, United Kingdom, Crozet archipelago, Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island, Kerguelen Islands and Netherlands

France maritime claims with Jersey, United Kingdom, Crozet archipelago, Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island, Kerguelen Islands and Netherlands, Amsterdam Island, Amsterdam Island maritime boundary, Areas of France’s maritime spaces of sovereignty, Crozet archipelago, Crozet archipelago maritime boundary, france, France maritime claims, Kerguelen Islands, Kerguelen Islands maritime boundary, Maritime Claims, netherlands, Saint Paul Island, United kingdom

View More France maritime claims with Jersey, United Kingdom, Crozet archipelago, Saint Paul Island and Amsterdam Island, Kerguelen Islands and Netherlands


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Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, United Kingdom-Argentina in the South West Atlantic case

Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, United Kingdom-Argentina in the South West Atlantic case, argentina, continental shelf, Falkland Islands, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Madrid Formula, South West Atlantic, United kingdom

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The MOX Plant Case (Ireland v. United Kingdom), Provisional Measures

On 9 November 2001, a Request for the prescription of provisional measures, pending the constitution of the arbitral tribunal provided for in Annex VII to the Convention, was filed with the Registry of the Tribunal by Ireland, pursuant to article 290, paragraph 5, of the Convention concerning the “dispute” between Ireland and the United Kingdom “concerning the MOX plant, international movements of radioactive materials, and the protection of the marine environment of the Irish Sea”. A copy of a document dated 25 October 2001 instituting arbitral proceedings against the United Kingdom was appended to the Request. Ireland’s Request was entered in the List of cases as Case No. 10.

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