exclusive economic zone(EEZ) map of the world

Extending beyond this point and reaching up to 200 nautical miles (370.4 km) from a country’s coast lies its Exclusive Economic Zone. Within this region, a country owns the natural resources at the seafloor but has no say on what happens at the surface. Any ships in an Exclusive Economic Zone are essentially in international waters. This map of the week features the Exclusive Economic Zones of EU Countries for which a regulatory text exists in UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea1. Note that such a text does not exist for the EEZ of some EU countries (e.g. UK, Italy, and Greece) and these are currently not shown on the map.

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Maritime Law Lrg 19 638

what is the meaning of “Closing line” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international law

“Closing line” is a dividing line between the internal waters and the territorial seas of a coastal State enclosing a river mouth, a bay or a harbor; or a dividing line for the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic State as stated in UNCLOS Articles 9–11 and 50.. what is the meaning of “Closing line” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international law, what is the meaning of “Closing line” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international law

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Sea 1 820x425

International Law of the Sea lecture in pdf

International Law of the Sea lecture in pdf, law of the sea, law of the sea lecture, sea

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Shows The Maritime Zones Under UNCLOS 35 820x480


MARITIME ZONE AND JURISDICTION, contiguous zone, continental shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), High Seas and Deep Ocean Floor, internal waters, law of the sea, Maritime Claims, maritime zone, Maritime Zones and How They Are Determined, River Mouths, territorial sea