World Boundaries 1

Development of the Studies on Maritime Delimitation

Since 1945, in particular, many studies have been written in the field of maritime delimitation. Most of them have focused on the case law. In fact, as is shown in the bibliography, there are many articles relating to international judgments in this field. Since it has been argued that the law of maritime delimitation has developed through international jurisprudence, it was only natural that writers turned to the analysis of case law in this field.

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The Development of the Case Law of Maritime Delimitation: From Equity to Normativity

In parallel with the codification process in the 1958 Geneva Conventions and the 1982 UNCLOS, the law of maritime delimitation was subject to a progressive development through litigation and arbitration. Both processes were at the same time independent and interrelated. The scope of this part is to provide a broad historical background of the evolution of the case law of maritime delimitation in order to better analyze in the following section the conditions, under which the Equidistance/Relevant Circumstances principle had emerged and developed.

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Codification of Maritime Delimitation

The first attempt at codification of the customary law of maritime delimitation started with the 1930 Hague Conference under the auspices of the League of Nations. The Hague Conference failed to reach its purpose and the following World War II period was not an appropriate period to deal with issues of maritime delimitation. In the aftermath of World War II, the creation of the United Nations Organization (UN) and the multiple individual claims of States over maritime spaces, such as the Truman Proclamation and the Santiago Declaration raised the need of re-starting the process of codification of the law of maritime delimitation. The adoption of the 1958 Geneva Conventions which followed was a successful initiative, at least to some extent.

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what is the meaning of single maritime boundaries line (single line with dual purpose or all-purpose line)

In theory, the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone could follow a different line than the continental shelf. For practical reasons, however, states seem to have wanted to have their maritime zones delimited by a single maritime boundary for all purposes. The reason for this lies first of all in the shared overlap of natural resources between the two zones.

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Three-stage Approach of Maritime Delimitation in law of the sea (customary international law and court decisions)

Three-stage Approach of Maritime Delimitation that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) “has developed a settled jurisprudence relating to the interpretation of those provisions”, while quoting the Court’s description of the three-stage approach of first drawing a provisional delimitation line, then assessing that line in the light of the relevant circumstances of the case and finally applying the disproportionality test to determine whether the proposed boundary results in an equitable solution, which has been developed in the context of the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone. “international law thus calls for the application of an equidistance line, unless another line is required by special circumstances”. However, the assertion that the ICJ’s three-stage approach is settled jurisprudence in relation to article 15 is not borne out by a reading of the judgments. The quotation in paragraph 999 of the Award is from the judgment of the Court in Peru v. Chile. As the Award indicates, the Court in this connection makes reference to its earlier decisions in Black Sea and Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia). All three decisions discuss the three-stage approach in relation to the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf and there is nothing in these judgments suggesting that the Court considered that the three-stage approach applies equally to the delimitation of the territorial sea under article 15 of the Convention.

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Table of claims to maritime jurisdiction (as at 15 July 2011)/maritime spaces of countries

Table of claims to maritime jurisdiction (as at 15 July 2011)/maritime spaces of countries, How are maritime boundaries defined?, How are maritime boundaries determined?, Maritime borders map, Maritime Claims, Maritime Claims and Boundaries, Maritime Space, Maritime Zones and Maritime Delimitation, SUMMARY OF NATIONAL CLAIMS, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is international maritime boundary line?, What is maritime dispute?, What is maritime space?, Where is international waters boundaries?, Which country has the longest maritime boundary?, World Maritime Boundaries

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Legal Nature of Maritime Delimitation in law of the sea and customary international law

Maritime delimitation may be defined as the process of establishing lines separating the spatial ambit of coastal State jurisdiction over maritime space where the legal title overlaps with that of another State. This definition calls for five comments:… Legal Nature of Maritime Delimitation in law of the sea and customary international law, a just and equitable share, continental shelf, délimitation constitutive, délimitation déclarative, EEZ, geographical co-ordinates, Gulf of Maine case, internal waters, International Sea-Bed Authority, maritime delimitation, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, provisional delimitation line, territorial sea, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?

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Judicial Creativity in the Law of Maritime Delimitation

Judicial Creativity in the Law of Maritime Delimitation, Anglo-French Continental Shelf Arbitration, Gulf of Maine cases, maritime delimitation, opinio juris, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?

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Home 820x480


DEVELOPMENT OF CASE LAW RELATING TO MARITIME DELIMITATION, 1977 Anglo-French Continental Shelf case, an equitable result, Bangladesh/India Arbitration, Bangladesh/Myanmar case, Black Sea case, Cameroon/Nigeria case, continental shelf, corrective-equity approach, EEZ, equidistance method, equidistance/relevant circumstances method, equitable criteria, Equitable Principles, equitable result, Eritrea/Yemen Arbitration, Ghana/Côte d’Ivoire case, Greenland/Jan Mayen case, Gulf of Maine case, Guyana/Suriname Arbitration, maritime delimitation, Nicaragua/Honduras case, North Sea Continental Shelf judgment, Pierre and Miquelon Arbitration, provisional delimitation line, Qatar/Bahrain case, relevant circumstances, resultorientated equity approach, single combined equidistance–special circumstances rule, special circumstances, test of disproportionality, three-stage approach to maritime delimitations, Tunisia/Libya case, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?

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TREATY LAW CONCERNING MARITIME DELIMITATION, 1958 Convention on the Continental Shelf, 1977 Anglo-French Continental Shelf case, continental shelf, Delimitation of the contiguous zone, delimitation of the territorial seas, determining the applicable law, EEZ, equidistance (median line), Equitable Principles, equitable solution, inequitable results, LOSC, method of delimitation, special circumstances, TSC, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?

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CONCEPT OF MARITIME DELIMITATION in law of the sea and customary international law

CONCEPT OF MARITIME DELIMITATION in law of the sea and customary international law, coastal State jurisdiction over maritime space, delimitation of internal waters, Delimitation of the contiguous zone, Delimitation of the Continental Shelf, Delimitation of the EEZ, Delimitation of the territorial sea, Gulf of Maine case, maritime delimitation, maritime limits, maritime spaces, process of establishing lines, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, Which law delimits world seas?

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what is the Main Issues of Maritime Delimitation in law of the sea and customary international law?

what is the Main Issues of Maritime Delimitation in law of the sea and customary international law?, advantages and disadvantages of the basic approaches to the law of maritime delimitations, approaches adopted by international courts and tribunals with regard to maritime delimitations, Main Issues of Maritime Delimitation, marine spaces, maritime delimitation, multiple jurisdictional zones, principal relevant circumstances in the law of maritime delimitation, principle applicable to maritime delimitations, role of international courts and tribunals in the development of the law of maritime delimitations, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, Which law delimits world seas?

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