Maritime Matters of Jamaica in the Law of the Seas and Security

Jamaica is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea, and its maritime domain is an important element of its national security. Jamaican maritime security is subject to the rules of the international law of the seas, which provide a framework for the regulation of maritime activities and security. This article explores the maritime matters of Jamaica in the law of the seas and security, including Jamaica’s legal obligations under the law, its maritime interests, and strategies for enhancing maritime security.

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Colombia–Jamaica maritime boundary and the Joint Regime Area

In 1993 Colombia and Jamaica concluded a treaty (1993 Treaty) concerning their overlapping claims to a continental shelf and EEZ in the Caribbean Sea. Article 1 of the 1993 Treaty establishes a maritime boundary between the two States. Immediately to the west of the boundary, the 1993 Treaty also establishes a ‘Joint Regime Area’ in which, ‘pending the determination of the jurisdictional limits of each Party …, the Parties agree to establish … a zone of joint management, control, exploration and exploitation of living and non-living resources’. Article 3(1), sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of the 1993 Treaty exclude two circular areas of 12 nautical miles radius from the Joint Regime Area. One circular area surrounds the cays of the Seranilla Bank and the other surrounds the cays of Bajo Nuevo. Both of these groups of features are claimed by Colombia – a claim that has been disputed on various occasions by Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua and the United States.

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Jamaica maritime claim about archipelagic basepoints

Jamaica, jamaica archipelago, Jamaica continental shelf map, Jamaica EEZ map, Jamaica maritime boundaries, Jamaica maritime claims, Jamaica maritime map, Jamaica territorial waters map, Jamaica’s Archipelagic Claim, Jamaican archipelagic straight baseline, limits in the seas jamaica

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