In short, unlike territorial sovereignty, the sovereign rights of the coastal State over the EEZ lack comprehensiveness of material scope. With respect to matters accepted by international law, however, the coastal State can exercise both legislative and enforcement jurisdiction over all people within the EEZ in an exclusive manner. The essential point is that the rights of the coastal State over the EEZ are spatial in the sense that they can be exercised solely within the particular space in question regardless of the nationality of persons or vessels. Thus the coastal State jurisdiction over the EEZ can be regarded as a spatial jurisdiction. Due to the lack of comprehensiveness of material scope, this jurisdiction should be called a limited spatial jurisdiction.. Legal Status of the EEZ at LOSC, law of the sea and customary international law, coastal State, EEZ, ITLOS, Legal Status of the EEZ, limitation ratione materiae, LOSC, ratione materiae, ratione personae, Sovereign Rights Over the EEZ
View More Legal Status of the EEZ at LOSC, law of the sea and customary international lawLegal Status of the EEZ at LOSC, law of the sea and customary international law
IILSS 12th April 2021 No Comments Can other country fish in EEZ?coastal StateDo all countries have EEZ?EEZexclusive economic zoneIs it legal to fish in international waters?Is the EEZ part of the high seas?ITLOSLegal Status of the EEZlimitation ratione materiaeLOSCratione materiaeratione personaeSovereign Rights Over the EEZWhat activities occur in the EEZ?What does EEZ mean?What is beyond the EEZ?What is the EEZ and why is it important?What is the exclusive economic zone in international Law?What is the limit of EEZ?What is unclos Upsc?Which country has smallest EEZ?Which country has the largest EEZ?Who determines legally who can fish?Who has jurisdiction over the EEZ?Who owns most of the ocean?Who owns the exclusive economic zone?Who owns the ocean fishery?Why is 200 nautical miles?