A “basepoint” when employed in UNCLOS analysis means any point on the baseline. In the method of straight baselines, where one straight baseline meets another at a common point, one line may be said to “turn” at that point to form another baseline. Such a point may be termed a “baseline turning point” or simply “basepoint.” In either case “point” means a location that can be fixed by geographic coordinates and geodetic datums meeting UNCLOS standards.. what is the meaning of “Basepoint or point” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international law, baseline turning point, How are territorial waters defined?, How far do territorial waters extend?, How far off land is international waters?, Territorial Sea Convention, UNCLOS, What is baseline in law of sea?, What is low water line?, What is the difference between territorial waters and contiguous waters?, what is the meaning of “Basepoint or point” in law of the sea?
View More what is the meaning of “Basepoint or point” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international lawTag: How far off land is international waters?
MARITIME ZONE AND JURISDICTION, contiguous zone, continental shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), High Seas and Deep Ocean Floor, internal waters, law of the sea, Maritime Claims, maritime zone, Maritime Zones and How They Are Determined, River Mouths, territorial sea