TREATY LAW CONCERNING MARITIME DELIMITATION, 1958 Convention on the Continental Shelf, 1977 Anglo-French Continental Shelf case, continental shelf, Delimitation of the contiguous zone, delimitation of the territorial seas, determining the applicable law, EEZ, equidistance (median line), Equitable Principles, equitable solution, inequitable results, LOSC, method of delimitation, special circumstances, TSC, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?
View More TREATY LAW CONCERNING MARITIME DELIMITATIONcontinental shelf legal aspectsExclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) legal aspectsLaw of the seaMaritime delimitationterritorial waters legal aspects
IILSS 15th April 2021 No Comments 1958 Convention on the Continental Shelf1977 Anglo-French Continental Shelf casecontinental shelfDelimitation of the contiguous zonedelimitation of the territorial seasdetermining the applicable lawEEZequidistance (median line)Equitable Principlesequitable solutioninequitable resultsLOSCmethod of delimitationspecial circumstancesTSCWhat are the stages of maritime boundary?What is a single maritime boundary?What is delimited boundary?What is maritime space?What is median line principle?What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?Which law delimits world seas?