The Leatherback Sea Turtle, also known as Dermochelys coriacea, is a captivating creature that has captured the attention of marine scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. This remarkable species has been swimming in the Earth’s oceans for over 100 million years and is considered the largest living turtle on the planet. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the Leatherback Sea Turtle, including its anatomy, habitat, diet, reproduction, behaviors, and conservation efforts.
View More Exploring the Fascinating Leatherback Sea Turtle – A Majestic Marvel of the OceanExploring the Fascinating Leatherback Sea Turtle – A Majestic Marvel of the Ocean
IILSS 6th October 2023Anatomy and Physical Characteristics of the LeatherbackBehavior and Social Interactions of the LeatherbackDiet and Feeding Habits of the LeatherbackEcological Importance of the Leatherback Sea TurtleExploring the Fascinating Leatherback Sea Turtle - A Majestic Marvel of the OceanHabitat and Distribution of the Leatherback Sea TurtleInteractions between Leatherbacks and HumansLeatherback Sea TurtleMigration Patterns of the Leatherback Sea TurtleReproduction and Life Cycle of the Leatherback Sea TurtleThreats and Conservation Efforts for the Leatherback