North Sea And Other Parts Of The North East Atlantic 1 798x480

The 1992 OSPAR Convention as a regional Implementation for Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment

The OSPAR Convention establishes a comprehensive legal framework for the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic Area from all sources of marine degradation (not only pollution), except fishing, atmospheric and vessel-source pollution, which are considered to be appropriately regulated within other frameworks..The 1992 OSPAR Convention as a regional Implementation for Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, e North Sea and other parts of the North-East Atlantic, Oslo Dumping Convention, OSPAR, OSPAR Commission, OSPARCOM, Paris Convention on Land-based Pollution, Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, regional Implementation for Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, The 1992 OSPAR Convention

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The Regional Implementation Regime for Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment

The Regional Implementation Regime for Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, Agenda 21, BARCON, Bern Convention for the Protection of European Habitats, Euro-Mediterranean Process, HELCOM, How can we protect the marine environment?, LOSC, OSPAR, Preservation of the Marine Environment, What are the obligations to protect and preserve the marine environment?, Who is the responsible about the protection of marine environment?

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