Maritime Matters in Vietnam: The Law of the Seas and Security

Vietnam is a country with extensive maritime interests. As one of the countries located in South East Asia, maritime issues are an important part of the nation’s economic and strategic security. The increased maritime activities are connected to the Law of the Sea, the regional security environment, and the power of the Vietnamese Navy. In addition, there are also territorial disputes to be taken into consideration. Here, we will look into the maritime matters in Vietnam, the Law of the Sea, sea security considerations, the power of the Vietnamese Navy, Vietnam’s territorial claims, and regional maritime disputes.

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Maritime Law and Security in Malaysia

Malaysia is a strategically located country in Southeast Asia at the center of the Straits of Malacca, a major maritime route linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans. As such, the protection of its maritime borders and resources is of paramount importance to the country. This article explores the maritime law and security initiatives of Malaysia, as well as the challenges it faces in implementing them, and its obligations to international maritime law.

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Viet Nam Maritime Claims About Delimitation Of The Territorial Sea The Exclusive Economic Zone And Continental Shelf In The Gulf Of Tonkin With China

Viet Nam maritime claims about Delimitation of the Territorial Sea, the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, such as in the Gulf of Tonkin with China

Maritime Claims, Viet Nam continental shelf map, Viet Nam EEZ map, Viet Nam exclusive economic zone map, Viet Nam internal waters map, Viet Nam maritime boundaries, Viet Nam maritime claims, Viet Nam territorial waters map

View More Viet Nam maritime claims about Delimitation of the Territorial Sea, the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, such as in the Gulf of Tonkin with China