Analyzing the Costa Rica-Nicaragua Maritime Disputes: An Overview of the Law of the Seas

The Costa Rica-Nicaragua maritime dispute has been a persistent source of tension between the two neighboring countries, stemming from conflicting territorial claims over the waters surrounding their coastlines. This dispute centers around the San Juan River, which serves as a natural border between the two nations. The conflict primarily revolves around the interpretation of historical agreements, international law, and the rights and responsibilities of coastal states. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the dispute, it is essential to examine the historical context, legal framework, territorial claims, jurisdictional issues, environmental concerns, mediation and arbitration efforts, and the potential implications for both countries and the region.

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Costa Rica’s Maritime Issues in Int’l Law of the Seas

Costa Rica is a small country in Central America with Caribbean and Pacific coastlines. It has an extensive and important maritime domain that is subject to the rules of international law of the sea, which has faced some issues throughout its history. In this article, the maritime issues Costa Rica has faced in the international law of the sea and its implications will be discussed in depth.

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Economic Exclusive Zones EEZs In The Eastern Tropical Pacific With Inset Map Of The 820x480

Ecuador claim on the geographical coordinates of points describing the maritime boundaries of its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf with Costa Rica

Ecuador claim on the geographical coordinates of points describing the maritime boundaries of its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf with Costa Rica, costa rica, Costa Rica claim on the exclusive economic zone, Costa Rica Maritime claims, Ecuador, Ecuador continental shelf, Ecuador continental shelf map, Ecuador EEZ map, Ecuador maritime boundaries, Ecuador maritime claims, Ecuador territorial sea map, Map of Ecuador with its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Maritime Claims

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Costa Rica Claim

Costa Rica claim on the exclusive economic zone in the Pacific Ocean

Costa Rica claim on the exclusive economic zone in the Pacific Ocean, costa rica, Costa Rica claim on the exclusive economic zone, Costa Rica Maritime claims, Marine Regions Costa Rican Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Maritime Claims, Pacific Ocean

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