Maritime Boundaries Between Belgium And Netherlands

maritime boundaries between Belgium and Netherlands

maritime boundaries between Belgium and Netherlands, The Agreement of 1996 between Belgium and the Netherlands delimiting the continental shelf provided that “If one of the Contracting Parties decides to establish an exclusive economic zone, the coordinates, as indicated in Article 1, shall be used for its lateral delimitation.” In the absence of such a provision or a subsequent agreement, it cannot be assumed that a boundary agreed for the continental shelf necessarily applies equally to an EEZ if one has been proclaimed.

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Maritime Boundaries Between Belgium And Great Britain

maritime boundaries between Belgium and Great Britain

maritime boundaries between Belgium and Great Britain,

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Maritime Boundaries Between France And Belgium

maritime boundaries between France and Belgium

Belgium faces the sea for about 4.5% of its total boundaries. Its outlet to the southern North Sea, as a result, only measures 66.5 km.…

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Belgium claims for outer limit lines of the continental shelf and territorial sea

Belgium claims for outer limit lines of the continental shelf and territorial sea, Belgium, Belgium Maritime claims, continental shelf, Maritime Claims

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