Internal waters are ‘those waters which lie landward of the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured’. Specifically, internal waters in a legal sense embrace (i) parts of the sea along the coast down to the low-water mark, (ii) ports and harbours, (iii) estuaries, (iv) landward waters from the closing line of bays, and (v) waters enclosed by straight baselines. On the other hand, as noted earlier, internal waters in the law of the sea do not include waters within the land territory and land-locked waters or lakes. what is the meaning of INTERNAL WATERS in law of the sea and cases?, archipelagic waters vs internal waters, definition of internal waters, estuaries, example of internal waters, harbours, High seas, internal waters, internal waters distance, internal waters examples, internal waters unclos, International waters, landward waters, law of the sea, Mare liberum, ports, territorial sea, trans-boundary waters, waters enclosed by straight baselines, What do you mean about internal waters?, What does internal waters mean?, What is included in the internal waters?, Where are international waters?
View More what is the meaning of INTERNAL WATERS in law of the sea and cases?what is the meaning of INTERNAL WATERS in law of the sea and cases?
IILSS 10th April 2021 No Comments archipelagic waters vs internal watersdefinition of internal watersestuariesexample of internal watersharboursHigh seasinternal watersinternal waters distanceinternal waters examplesinternal waters unclosInternational waterslandward waterslaw of the seaMare liberumportsterritorial seatrans-boundary waterswaters enclosed by straight baselinesWhat do you mean about internal waters?What does internal waters mean?What is included in the internal waters?Where are international waters?