Beagle Conflict Between Argentina Chile

Analyzing Argentina and Chile’s Maritime Disputes: Law of the Seas

Analyzing Argentina and Chile’s Maritime Disputes: Law of the Seas

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Analyzing Chile’s Maritime Challenges: International Law of the Seas & Security

Analyzing Chile’s Maritime Challenges: International Law of the Seas & Security Chile, with its extensive coastline and vast maritime territory, faces a myriad of challenges concerning international law of the seas and security. As a nation heavily reliant on maritime resources, Chile must navigate complex legal frameworks while ensuring the safety and protection of its maritime interests. This article delves into the key issues Chile encounters and examines the implications for its maritime future.

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ARG CHL 731x480

chart showing the maritime boundary between Argentina and Chile, with the list of geographical coordinates of points

chart showing the maritime boundary between Argentina and Chile, with the list of geographical coordinates of points, argentina, chile, exclusive economic zone, maritime boundary between Argentina and Chile, Maritime Claims

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Case concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Swordfish Stocks in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean (Chile/European Union)

By an exchange of letters dated 18 and 19 December 2000, Chile and the European Community agreed to submit a dispute concerning the conservation and sustainable exploitation of swordfish stocks in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean to a special chamber of the Tribunal to be formed in accordance with article 15, paragraph 2, of the Statute.By Order dated 20 December 2000, the Tribunal decided to accede to the request of the parties to form a special chamber to deal with the case and determined the composition of the Special Chamber with their approval. The composition of the Special Chamber was as follows: President: P. Chandrasekhara Rao, Members: Judge Hugo Caminos, Judge Alexander Yankov, Judge Rüdiger Wolfrum and Judge ad hoc Francisco Orrego Vicuña. By the same Order, the Tribunal made provision in respect of preliminary objections and for the filing of the written pleadings. The case was entered in the list of cases as Case No. 7.

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