Navigating Nicaragua’s Maritime Issues Under International Law

Nicaragua is a country with a diverse variety of maritime issues that must be addressed in accordance with international law. Nicaragua has had to navigate a number of maritime boundaries, disputes, and rights in order to ensure that its maritime interests are properly protected and respected. This article looks at how Nicaragua has navigated these issues under international law, and how international solutions can help to resolve the country’s maritime issues.

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Securing Maritime Rights in Honduras Under the Law of the Sea

Securing maritime rights in Honduras under the Law of the Sea has become an increasingly important topic as the country’s economy becomes increasingly reliant on the ocean for resources and trade. The Law of the Sea provides a framework for countries to claim maritime rights beyond their borders, and it is important for Honduras to ensure its rights are secured to foster economic development and secure resources for its citizens. This article will discuss the current maritime rights in Honduras, the Law of the Sea, and how to secure rights under the Law of the Sea, as well as examining maritime disputes.

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Presence of Islands as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law

Presence of Islands as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, 12-nautical-mile, Black Sea case, continental shelf, delimitation process, geographic realities, ICJ jurisprudence, ITLOS, maritime boundary, maritime delimitation, Nicaragua/ Colombia case, Nicaragua/Honduras case, Presence of Islands, Qatar/Bahrain case, relevant circumstances

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DEVELOPMENT OF CASE LAW RELATING TO MARITIME DELIMITATION, 1977 Anglo-French Continental Shelf case, an equitable result, Bangladesh/India Arbitration, Bangladesh/Myanmar case, Black Sea case, Cameroon/Nigeria case, continental shelf, corrective-equity approach, EEZ, equidistance method, equidistance/relevant circumstances method, equitable criteria, Equitable Principles, equitable result, Eritrea/Yemen Arbitration, Ghana/Côte d’Ivoire case, Greenland/Jan Mayen case, Gulf of Maine case, Guyana/Suriname Arbitration, maritime delimitation, Nicaragua/Honduras case, North Sea Continental Shelf judgment, Pierre and Miquelon Arbitration, provisional delimitation line, Qatar/Bahrain case, relevant circumstances, resultorientated equity approach, single combined equidistance–special circumstances rule, special circumstances, test of disproportionality, three-stage approach to maritime delimitations, Tunisia/Libya case, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?