Nicaragua is a country with a diverse variety of maritime issues that must be addressed in accordance with international law. Nicaragua has had to navigate a number of maritime boundaries, disputes, and rights in order to ensure that its maritime interests are properly protected and respected. This article looks at how Nicaragua has navigated these issues under international law, and how international solutions can help to resolve the country’s maritime issues.
View More Navigating Nicaragua’s Maritime Issues Under International LawNavigating Nicaragua’s Maritime Issues Under International Law
IILSS 18th September 2023Exploring the Honduras-Nicaragua Maritime DisputeHonduras-Nicaragua Maritime DisputeNavigating Nicaragua's Maritime Issues Under International LawnicaraguaNicaragua caseNicaragua continental shelf mapNicaragua EEZ mapNicaragua internal waters mapNicaragua maritime boundariesNicaragua maritime claimsnicaragua maritime territoryNicaragua straight baselines claimNicaragua territorial waters mapNicaragua's Maritime DisputesNicaragua's Maritime RightsNicaragua/Colombia caseNicaragua/Honduras caseNicaraguan Maritime BoundariesThe Honduras-Nicaragua Maritime Case