J Col 820x480

Colombia–Jamaica maritime boundary and the Joint Regime Area

In 1993 Colombia and Jamaica concluded a treaty (1993 Treaty) concerning their overlapping claims to a continental shelf and EEZ in the Caribbean Sea. Article 1 of the 1993 Treaty establishes a maritime boundary between the two States. Immediately to the west of the boundary, the 1993 Treaty also establishes a ‘Joint Regime Area’ in which, ‘pending the determination of the jurisdictional limits of each Party …, the Parties agree to establish … a zone of joint management, control, exploration and exploitation of living and non-living resources’. Article 3(1), sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of the 1993 Treaty exclude two circular areas of 12 nautical miles radius from the Joint Regime Area. One circular area surrounds the cays of the Seranilla Bank and the other surrounds the cays of Bajo Nuevo. Both of these groups of features are claimed by Colombia – a claim that has been disputed on various occasions by Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua and the United States.

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Image 5 578x480

Canada–United States overlapping claims in North Atlantic and surrounding Machias Seal Island and North Rock

In 1979 the Canada and the United States agreed to empower a Chamber of the ICJ to designate a single seabed and water-column boundary in the Gulf of Maine. The Chamber’s 1984 Judgment establishes a segmented boundary that commences at an offshore point mutually agreed by both States (Point A) and terminates at the point of intersection with the United States’ 200 nautical mile limit. McDorman notes that, prior to the conclusion of the 1979 agreement, Canadian and US negotiators had proposed several options concerning provisional joint management of overlapping claims in the Gulf of Maine. These proposals did not gain traction because delimitation issues proved difficult to set aside. In particular, the location of competing boundary claims influenced political views concerning the fair division of fisheries and potential hydrocarbon resources.

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China Asia 1 820x480

China geopolitical interests in eastern Asia and south china sea

The establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was proclaimed by Mao Zedong on October 1, 1949 at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This followed two decades of almost constant turmoil that took the form of a prolonged civil war between the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as well as the Japanese invasion of China, which resulted in the eight year Sino-Japanese War (1937–45). Following Chiang Kai-shek’s split with the CCP after his massacre of thousands of Communists in Shanghai in March 1927, the Nationalists were soon faced with a series of armed insurrections led by the Communists in cities such as Nanchang and Guangzhou. These uprisings ultimately proved unsuccessful. The Communists were driven into the countryside, where the Nationalists proceeded to wage a total of five campaigns of “extermination” between 1930 and 1934, aimed at achieving a comprehensive victory. The success of the fifth campaign in encircling and strangling the Communists led the latter to abandon their base in Jiangxi Province in October 1934 and stage the famous “Long March,” a 4,000-mile journey to establish a new base in Shaanxi in northwest China. China would soon be faced by the even greater threat of external invasion. The Japanese had established a presence in Manchuria by 1931. Growing domestic expansionist pressures led to an undeclared war with China following the “Marco Polo Bridge Incident” on July 7, 1937. Following the outbreak of hostilities, the Communists and Nationalists formed a “United Front” with the goal of defeating the Japanese, although the conflict between the CCP and the KMT was never resolved. Despite its initial success in taking many of the key coastal cities, including Shanghai, and eventually the Nationalist capital of Nanjing, the Japanese advance soon stalled. The Japanese army was never able to penetrate deep into the Chinese countryside. The Japanese surrender on August 14, 1945, following the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, plunged China back into civil war. The Communists soon gained the upper hand, eventually driving the KMT out of China and into Taiwan, paving the way for the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

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Yemen Maritime Zone Boundaries Map Chart

Yemen maritime claim about baselines(straight baseline) for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea

Maritime Claims, yemen, Yemen Arab Republic maritime claim, Yemen continental shelf map, Yemen EEZ map, Yemen exclusive economic zone map, Yemen internal waters map, Yemen maritime boundaries, Yemen maritime claims, Yemen territorial waters map

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Viet Nam Maritime Claims About Delimitation Of The Territorial Sea The Exclusive Economic Zone And Continental Shelf In The Gulf Of Tonkin With China

Viet Nam maritime claims about Delimitation of the Territorial Sea, the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, such as in the Gulf of Tonkin with China

Maritime Claims, Viet Nam continental shelf map, Viet Nam EEZ map, Viet Nam exclusive economic zone map, Viet Nam internal waters map, Viet Nam maritime boundaries, Viet Nam maritime claims, Viet Nam territorial waters map

View More Viet Nam maritime claims about Delimitation of the Territorial Sea, the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, such as in the Gulf of Tonkin with China


Uruguay Maritime Claims About Straight Baselines 1

Uruguay maritime claims about straight baselines and the outer limit of the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone

Maritime Claims, Uruguay, Uruguay continental shelf map, Uruguay EEZ map, Uruguay exclusive economic zone map, Uruguay internal waters map, Uruguay maritime boundaries, Uruguay maritime claims, Uruguay territorial waters map

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Tanzania Maritime Claims About Straight Baselines

Tanzania maritime claims about straight baselines

Maritime Claims, Tanzania, Tanzania continental shelf map, Tanzania EEZ map, Tanzania exclusive economic zone map, Tanzania internal waters map, Tanzania maritime boundaries, Tanzania maritime claims, Tanzania straight baseline claim, Tanzania territorial waters map

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UK Maritime Claims About Outer Limit Of Extended Continental Shelf And Exclusive Economic Zone

UK maritime claims about outer limit of extended continental shelf and exclusive economic zone

Great Britain, Great Britain continental shelf map, Great Britain exclusive economic zone map, Great Britain internal and territorial waters map, Great Britain maritime claims, Maritime Claims, UK, UK continental shelf map, UK EEZ map, UK exclusive economic zone map, UK internal waters map, UK maritime boundaries, UK maritime claims, UK territorial waters map

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Detailed Political Map Of British Indian Ocean Territory Small 1 820x480

UK maritime claims about defining the outer limits of a zone adjacent to the territorial sea of the British Indian Ocean Territory, known as the Environment (Protection and Preservation) Zone

British Indian Ocean Territory, Environment (Protection and Preservation) Zone, UK maritime boundaries, UK maritime claims

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United Arab Emirates Maritime Claims About Straight Baselines System

United Arab Emirates maritime claims about Straight Baselines System in Persian Gulf

Maritime Claims, UAE maritime zones, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates continental shelf map, United Arab Emirates EEZ map, United Arab Emirates exclusive economic zone map, United Arab Emirates internal waters map, United Arab Emirates maritime boundaries, United Arab Emirates maritime claims, United Arab Emirates maritime zone, United Arab Emirates territorial waters map

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Tunisia Maritime Claims About Drawing Of Straight Baselines 690x480

Tunisia maritime claims about drawing of straight baselines

Maritime Claims, Tunisia, Tunisia continental shelf map, Tunisia EEZ map, Tunisia exclusive economic zone map, Tunisia internal waters map, Tunisia maritime boundaries, Tunisia maritime claims, Tunisia territorial waters map

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Suriname Maritime Claims 658x480

Suriname maritime claims about outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles

Maritime Claims, Suriname, Suriname continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, Suriname continental shelf map, Suriname EEZ map, Suriname exclusive economic zone map, Suriname internal waters map, Suriname maritime boundaries, Suriname maritime claims, Suriname maritime map and chart, Suriname territorial waters map

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Sudan Maritime Claims

Sudan maritime claims about straight baseline in the Red Sea

Maritime Claims, straight baseline in the Red Sea, Sudan, Sudan continental shelf map, Sudan EEZ map, Sudan internal waters map, Sudan maritime boundaries, Sudan maritime claims

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Image 14 820x480

Spain maritime claims, such as limits of the Fisheries Protection Zone in the Mediterranean Sea

Fisheries Protection Zone in the Mediterranean Sea, spain, Spain continental shelf map, Spain EEZ map, Spain exclusive economic zone map, Spain Fisheries Protection Zone claim, Spain internal waters map, Spain maritime boundaries, Spain maritime claims, Spain straight baseline map, Spain territorial waters map

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Somalia Maritime Claim About Limits Of The Exclusive Economic Zone

Somalia maritime claim about limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone

Maritime Claims, Somalia, Somalia continental shelf map, Somalia EEZ boundaries, Somalia Exclusive Economic Zone map, Somalia internal waters map, Somalia maritime boundaries, Somalia maritime claims, Somalia territorial waters map

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Saudi Arabia Maritime Claims About Baselines Internal Waters 1

Saudi Arabia maritime claims about baselines of Saudi Arabia “in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Persian Gulf”

Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia baseline claims, Saudi Arabia baseline in Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia baseline in Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia baseline in Red sea, Saudi Arabia continental shelf map, Saudi Arabia EEZ map, Saudi Arabia internal waters map, Saudi Arabia maritime boundaries, Saudi Arabia maritime claims, Saudi Arabia straight baseline claims, Saudi Arabia territorial waters map

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Russia Maritime Claims About The Outer Limits Of Its Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles In Respect To The Barents Sea

Russia maritime claims about the outer limits of its continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in respect to the Barents Sea

Barents Sea, Barents Sea continental shelf border, Barents Sea EEZ border, Barents Sea map, russia, Russia continental shelf map, Russia exclusive economic zone map, Russia internal waters map, Russia maritime boundaries, Russia maritime claims, Russia territorial waters map, russian federation

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Russia Maritime Claims About The Area Of The Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles In The Region Of The Sea Of Okhotsk

Russia maritime claims about the area of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in the region of the Sea of Okhotsk

continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in the region of the Sea of Okhotsk, Maritime Claims, russia, Russia continental shelf map, Russia exclusive economic zone map, Russia internal waters map, Russia maritime boundaries, Russia maritime claims, Russia territorial waters map, russian federation, Sea of Okhotsk

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Russia Maritime Claims About Outer Limit Of The Exclusive Economic Zone Of The Russian Federation In The Sea Of Okhotsk

Russia maritime claims about outer limit of the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation in the Sea of Okhotsk

Maritime Claims, russia, Russia continental shelf map, Russia exclusive economic zone map, Russia internal waters map, Russia maritime boundaries, Russia maritime claims, Russia territorial waters map, russian federation

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Romania Maritime Claim About Drawing Of Straight Baselines And The Outer Limit Of Its Territorial Sea

Romania maritime claim about drawing of straight baselines and the outer limit of its territorial sea

black sea maritime borders, black sea maritime boundaries, Maritime Claims, Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea case, romania, Romania continental shelf map, Romania EEZ map, Romania internal waters map, Romania maritime boundaries, Romania maritime claims, Romania territorial waters map

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Republic Of Korea Maritime Claims About Baselines For Measuring The Breadth Of The Territorial Sea

Republic of Korea maritime claims about baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea

exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Korea, Maritime Claims, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea continental shelf map, Republic of Korea EEZ map, Republic of Korea maritime boundaries, Republic of Korea maritime claims, Republic of Korea territorial waters map

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QAT MZN125 2016 00ill 1 820x480

Qatar maritime claim about bay closing lines

Maritime Boundary Delimitations in the Persian Gulf, Persian Gulf, Qatar, Qatar continental shelf map, Qatar EEZ map, Qatar exclusive economic zone map, Qatar internal waters map, Qatar maritime boundaries, Qatar maritime claims, Qatar territorial waters map

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Philippine Rise 820x480

Philippines maritime claim about changing the name “Benham Rise” to “Philippine Rise”

Benham Rise, Maritime Claims, Philippine Rise, Philippines, Philippines continental shelf map, Philippines EEZ map, Philippines internal waters map, Philippines maritime boundaries, Philippines maritime claims, Philippines territorial waters map

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Philippines Maritime Claim About Outer Limits Of Its Continental Shelf 1

Philippines maritime claim about outer limits of its continental shelf

pursuant to article 76, paragraph 9, of the Convention, of a chart and relevant information, including geodetic data, permanently describing the outer limits of its…

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National Territory Map 820x480

Philippines maritime claims about Archipelagic Baselines

Maritime Claims, Philippines, Philippines continental shelf map, Philippines EEZ map, Philippines internal waters map, Philippines maritime boundaries, Philippines maritime claims, Philippines territorial waters map

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CRI PAN 731x480

Panama maritime claim about baselines

Maritime Claims, Panama, Panama continental shelf, Panama EEZ map, Panama maritime boundaries, panama maritime charts, Panama maritime claims, Panama territorial waters map

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P9383 1 809x480

Pakistan maritime claims about outer limits of its continental shelf

Maritime Claims, Pakistan, Pakistan EEZ map, Pakistan exclusive economic zone map, Pakistan internal waters map, Pakistan maritime boundaries, Pakistan maritime claims, Pakistan straight baselines claims, Pakistan territorial waters map

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Image 2 820x480

Pakistan maritime claims for the drawing of the straight baselines

Maritime Claims, Pakistan, Pakistan EEZ map, Pakistan internal waters map, Pakistan maritime boundaries, Pakistan maritime claims, Pakistan straight baselines claims, Pakistan territorial waters map

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Kart Bouvetoya

Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around Bouvet island

Bouvet island, Bouvet island map, Bouvet island territorial waters, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map

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Image 1 820x480

Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen and extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway(2003)

Jan Mayen, Jan Mayen maritime boundaries, limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway continental shelf map, Norway EEZ map, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, Svalbard, Svalbard baselines, Svalbard maritime boundaries, territorial sea around Jan Mayen, territorial sea around Svalbard

View More Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea around mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen and extent of the territorial sea around mainland Norway(2003)


Jan Mayen

Norway maritime claims about limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen

Jan Mayen, Jan Mayen maritime boundaries, limit of the Norwegian territorial sea around Jan Mayen, Maritime Claims, Norway, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, territorial sea around Jan Mayen

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Norway maritime claims about drawing the baselines for measuring the width of the territorial sea around Svalbard

Norway, Norway continental shelf map, Norway EEZ map, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, Svalbard baselines, Svalbard maritime boundaries, territorial sea around Svalbard

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Map Of Norwegian Continental Shelf Showing New Area 820x480

Norway maritime claims about outer limits of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone

Map of Norwegian Continental Shelf, Maritime Claims, Norway continental shelf map, Norway EEZ map, Norway internal waters map, Norway maritime boundaries, Norway maritime claims, Norway territorial waters map, Norwegian Baselines

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Nicaragua Maritime Claims About Points Concerning The Baselines From Which The Breadth Of The Territorial Sea

Nicaragua maritime claims about points concerning the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea

Maritime Claims, nicaragua, Nicaragua continental shelf map, Nicaragua EEZ map, Nicaragua internal waters map, Nicaragua maritime boundaries, Nicaragua maritime claims, nicaragua maritime territory, Nicaragua straight baselines claim, Nicaragua territorial waters map

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COL NIC 636x480

Nicaragua maritime claims about straight baselines

Maritime Claims, nicaragua, Nicaragua continental shelf map, Nicaragua EEZ map, Nicaragua internal waters map, Nicaragua maritime boundaries, Nicaragua maritime claims, Nicaragua straight baselines claim, Nicaragua territorial waters map

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UNCLOS Map 1 400x480

New Zealand maritime claim about outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles

maritime boundary delimited between New Zealand and Australia, Maritime Claims, New Zealand, New Zealand continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, New Zealand continental shelf map, New Zealand Continental Shelf Project, New Zealand EEZ map, New Zealand internal waters, New Zealand maritime boundaries, New Zealand maritime claims, New Zealand straight baseline claims, New Zealand territorial sea map, New Zealand territorial waters, New Zealand territorial waters claims

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Australia New Zeland Maritime Boundary 519x480

New Zealand maritime claims about baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea and maritime boundary delimited between New Zealand and Australia

Australia, maritime boundary delimited between New Zealand and Australia, Maritime Claims, New Zealand, New Zealand EEZ map, New Zealand internal waters, New Zealand maritime boundaries, New Zealand maritime claims, New Zealand straight baseline claims, New Zealand territorial sea map, New Zealand territorial waters, New Zealand territorial waters claims

View More New Zealand maritime claims about baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea and maritime boundary delimited between New Zealand and Australia


Nl Northsea 2021 820x480

Netherlands maritime claims about outer limits of the territorial sea

Maritime Claims, netherlands, Netherlands boundaries in the North Sea, Netherlands continental shelf map, Netherlands EEZ map, Netherlands internal waters map, Netherlands maritime boundaries, Netherlands maritime claims, Netherlands straight baseline, Netherlands territorial sea map, Netherlands territorial waters map

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Myanmar Maritime Claims

Myanmar maritime claims about straight baselines for the Preparis and CoCo Islands, as contained in the Law Amending the Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law

CoCo Islands, Maritime Claims, myanmar, Myanmar continental shelf map, Myanmar EEZ map, myanmar exclusive economic zone, Myanmar exclusive economic zone map, Myanmar internal waters map, Myanmar maritime boundaries, Myanmar maritime claims, myanmar territorial sea and maritime zone law, Myanmar Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law, Myanmar territorial sea map, Myanmar territorial waters map, Preparis islands

View More Myanmar maritime claims about straight baselines for the Preparis and CoCo Islands, as contained in the Law Amending the Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law


Map Showing Myanmars Claimed Territorial Waters 645x480

Myanmar maritime claims about Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones

myanmar, Myanmar continental shelf map, Myanmar EEZ map, myanmar exclusive economic zone, Myanmar exclusive economic zone map, Myanmar internal waters map, Myanmar maritime boundaries, Myanmar maritime claims, myanmar territorial sea and maritime zone law, Myanmar Territorial Sea and Maritime Zones Law, Myanmar territorial sea map, Myanmar territorial waters map, total sea area of myanmar

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