As clearly stated in Article 49(1) and (2) of the LOSC, archipelagic waters are under the territorial sovereignty of the archipelagic State. However, care should be taken in noting that the exercise of the archipelagic State’s territorial sovereignty is subject to general international law and specific provisions under Part IV of the LOSC.. Jurisdiction of Archipelagic States Over Archipelagic Waters(based on law of the sea, customary international law and LOSC), archipelagic doctrine, Archipelagic States, Archipelagic States and Maritime Navigation, archipelagic waters, Archipelagic Waters and Exclusive Economic Zone, archipelagic waters unclos, archipelagic waters vs internal waters, Duzgit Integrity Arbitration, Jurisdiction of Archipelagic States, Legal status of archipelagic waters, LOSC, The Archipelagic States Concept, What are the four categories of waters under the Unclos?, What is archipelagic baseline?, What is the archipelagic rule?, Which waters are identified as archipelagic waters?
View More Jurisdiction of Archipelagic States Over Archipelagic Waters(based on law of the sea, customary international law and LOSC)