While protection of the marine environment is a matter of important concern, the existing case law seems to pay little attention to environmental concern in the context of maritime delimitations. In the Gulf of Maine case, the United States relied on environmental factors to justify an equitable maritime boundary. However, the Chamber of the ICJ discarded the ecological criterion primarily because such a criterion was inconsistent with the ‘neutral criteria’ for drawing a single maritime boundary. Usually environmental considerations have played little, if any, role in agreements concerning maritime delimitations.. Environmental Factors as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, delimitation process, Environmental Factors, equitable maritime boundary, Gulf of Maine case, marine environment, maritime boundary, relevant circumstances
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Navigational Factors as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law
Navigational Factors as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, delimitation process, Eritrea/Yemen Arbitration, Guyana/Suriname case, LOSC, Navigational Factors, navigational interests, relevant circumstances, territorial seas
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Historic Title and Historic Rights as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, continental shelf delimitation, delimitation process, EEZ, EEZ delimitation, historic rights, Historic Title, LOSC, maritime areas, maritime delimitation, relevant circumstances, South China Sea Arbitration
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Geological and Geomorphological Factors as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, continental shelf, delimitation process, Geological, Geomorphological, relevant circumstances
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Presence of Islands as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, 12-nautical-mile, Black Sea case, continental shelf, delimitation process, geographic realities, ICJ jurisprudence, ITLOS, maritime boundary, maritime delimitation, Nicaragua/ Colombia case, Nicaragua/Honduras case, Presence of Islands, Qatar/Bahrain case, relevant circumstances
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Baselines or basepoints as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, Baltic, baselines, basepoint, basepoints, delimitation process, equidistance method, Eritrea/Yemen case, Libya/Malta case, LOSC, Maritime Boundary Agreement between the United States and Cuba, maritime delimitations, relevant circumstances, straight-baselines system
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Proportionality as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, adjacent coasts, Anglo-French Continental Shelf case, delimitation process, Equitable Principles, existence of particular coastal configurations, ITLOS, maritime delimitation, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, Proportionality, quasi-equal length of the relevant coasts, relevant circumstances
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Configuration of Coasts as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international law, Bangladesh/India Arbitration, Bangladesh/Myanmar case, Configuration of Coasts, delimitation process, equidistance line, equidistance method, geographical factors, Guinea/ Guinea-Bissau case, ITLOS, Libya/Malta judgment, line grosso modo, macrogeography, manifestly concave, maritime delimitation, North Sea Continental Shelf cases, opposite and adjacent coasts, provisional equidistance line, relevant circumstances
View More Configuration of Coasts as a RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES in delimitation process in law of the sea and customary international lawDEVELOPMENT OF CASE LAW RELATING TO MARITIME DELIMITATION
DEVELOPMENT OF CASE LAW RELATING TO MARITIME DELIMITATION, 1977 Anglo-French Continental Shelf case, an equitable result, Bangladesh/India Arbitration, Bangladesh/Myanmar case, Black Sea case, Cameroon/Nigeria case, continental shelf, corrective-equity approach, EEZ, equidistance method, equidistance/relevant circumstances method, equitable criteria, Equitable Principles, equitable result, Eritrea/Yemen Arbitration, Ghana/Côte d’Ivoire case, Greenland/Jan Mayen case, Gulf of Maine case, Guyana/Suriname Arbitration, maritime delimitation, Nicaragua/Honduras case, North Sea Continental Shelf judgment, Pierre and Miquelon Arbitration, provisional delimitation line, Qatar/Bahrain case, relevant circumstances, resultorientated equity approach, single combined equidistance–special circumstances rule, special circumstances, test of disproportionality, three-stage approach to maritime delimitations, Tunisia/Libya case, What are the stages of maritime boundary?, What is a single maritime boundary?, What is delimited boundary?, What is maritime space?, What is median line principle?, What is the difference between demarcation and delimitation?, Which law delimits world seas?