Guyana’s Maritime Issues in Int’l Law of the Seas and Security

Guyana is a small, coastal nation located on the northern coast of South America. As such, it is heavily influenced by maritime issues. Guyana faces a range of maritime challenges, from managing its exclusive economic zone and protecting its maritime interests to ensuring access to resources and promoting security in the region. In this article, we will explore Guyana’s maritime issues in the context of international law of the seas and security.

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Barbados–Guyana overlapping claims and Co-operation Zone in Atlantic ocean

Barbados and Guyana assert overlapping EEZ claims and continental shelf entitlements in an OCA located opposite the North East coast of continental South America. As discussed in the following paragraphs, the jurisdictional entitlements of Barbados and Guyana in this area are contested by Venezuela. Design features of provisional joint management frameworks:

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