what is the meaning of “Common heritage of mankind or common heritage of humankind” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international law, common heritage of humankind, Common Heritage of Mankind, what is the meaning of “Common heritage of mankind?
View More what is the meaning of “Common heritage of mankind or common heritage of humankind” in law of the sea, LOSC and customary international lawTag: Common Heritage of Mankind
The 1994 Implementation Agreement about seabed area, under view of law of the sea
The 1994 Implementation Agreement about seabed area, under view of law of the sea, ‘mini-treaty’ regime, 1994 Implementation Agreement, Common Heritage of Mankind, Cost-effectiveness, Economic assistance: In order to assist developing countries, Financial terms of contracts, International Seabed Authority Endowment Fund for Marine Scientific Research in the Area, LOSC, Market-orientated Approaches, Production policies, seabed Area, The obligation to transfer technology, UNCLOS III
View More The 1994 Implementation Agreement about seabed area, under view of law of the seadepth area on the high seas(sea-bed and ocean floor), legal aspects in law of the sea and customary international law
The exploration and exploitation of natural resources in the deep seabed is a new subject in the law of the sea. At the end of the nineteenth century, polymetallic nodules were discovered in the Arctic Ocean off Siberia. During the 1872 1877 scientific expedition of HMS Challenger, they were found to occur in most oceans of the world. Polymetallic nodules, which were also called manganese nodules, are small brown-black balls, usually between 1 and 20 centimetres in diameter. In the 1950s, attention was drawn to the economic significance of the nodules. During the International Geophysical Year of 1957–1958, polymetallic nodules were collected on the Tuamotu plateau approximately 370 kilometres east of Tahiti at a depth of some 900 metres. These nodules proved to contain commercially valuable minerals, such as nickel, copper and cobalt. Thus the exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules have attracted growing attention. As noted, the management of the deep seabed resources gave an impetus to convene UNCLOS III. The LOSC devotes Part XI to the regime governing the Area. depth area on the high seas(sea-bed and ocean floor), legal aspects in law of the sea and customary international law, Arvid Pardo, Common Heritage of Mankind, continental shelf, depth area on the high seas, natural resources, New International Economic Order, sea-bed and ocean floor, subsoil
View More depth area on the high seas(sea-bed and ocean floor), legal aspects in law of the sea and customary international lawwhat is Principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind in the law of the sea?
This principle is distinct from the traditional principles in two respects.
First, while the principles of sovereignty and freedom aim to safeguard the interests of individual States, the principle of the common heritage of mankind seeks to promote the common interest of mankind as a whole. It may be argued that the term ‘mankind’ is a transspatial and transtemporal concept. It is transspatial because ‘mankind’ includes all people on the planet. It is transtemporal because ‘mankind’ includes both present and future generations. It would seem to follow that the common interest of mankind means the interest of all people in present and future generations.
Second, the principle of the common heritage of mankind focuses on ‘mankind’ as a novel actor in the law of the sea. ‘Mankind’ is not a merely abstract concept. As we shall see in Chapter 5, under the LOSC ‘mankind’ has an operational organ, i.e. the International Seabed Authority, acting on behalf of mankind as a whole. To this extent, it can reasonably be argued that mankind is emerging as a new actor in the law of the sea.. what is Principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind in the law of the sea?, Common Heritage, Common Heritage of Mankind, common interest, LOSC