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The 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) and the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment

The environmental regime established by the Convention is based on the combination of the jurisdictional rules of the law of the sea with objectives, principles and approaches of international environmental law. The protection and preservation of the marine environment is specifically regulated in Part XII which is the result of this combination.
However, due to the comprehensive character of the LOSC and the inter-sectoral nature of marine issues, relevant provisions can be found in different parts of the Convention (e.g., Parts V and VII on conservation and management of living resources in the EEZ and high seas or Part XIII on marine scientific research). The LOSC has codified the customary principles discussed in the previous section and, in some cases, has further clarified their content. The jurisdictional rules and Part XII are discussed separately in the next paragraphs. The 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) and the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, LOSC, Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, What do the provision of Unclos 1982 govern?, What does the law of the sea convention do?

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