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Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, United Kingdom-Argentina in the South West Atlantic case

Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, United Kingdom-Argentina in the South West Atlantic case, argentina, continental shelf, Falkland Islands, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Madrid Formula, South West Atlantic, United kingdom

View More Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, United Kingdom-Argentina in the South West Atlantic case
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Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Australia-Indonesia case

Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Australia-Indonesia case, Australia, continental shelf boundaries, ibya/Malta Continental Shelf Case, Indonesia, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, median line, offshore areas of West Timor, Timor Gap, Timor Gap treaty, Treaty on the Zone of Co-operation in an Area between the Indonesian Province of East Timor and Northern Australia

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Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Malaysia-Thailand case

Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Malaysia-Thailand case, Continental Shelf Boundary, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, malaysia, Method of Shaping the Joint Development Zone, Thailand

View More Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Malaysia-Thailand case
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Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, KOREA AND JAPAN case

Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, KOREA AND JAPAN case, Continental Shelf Boundary, East China Sea, EEZ, EEZ boundary, EEZ fisheries zones, exclusive economic zone of Japan, exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Korea, flag State jurisdiction, Japan, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Korea, KOREA AND JAPAN, Korea-Japan Fisheries Committee, Kyushu and Hokkaido of Japan, LOS Convention, Minquiers and Ecrehos Case, Peace line, provisional zones, Southern Bluefin Tuna Arbitration of 2000, UNCLOS I

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Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Kuwait-Saudi Arabia case

Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Kuwait-Saudi Arabia case, Al Uqair Protocol of 1922, American Independent Oil Company, JDZ, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Kuwait, Kuwait-Saudi Arabia case, maritime Disputed Areas, Neutral Zone, Pacific Western Oil Corporation, Qarah island, Saudi Arabia, territorial sea

View More Practice on Provisional Arrangements in maritime Disputed Areas, JOINT DEVELOPMENT ZONES, Kuwait-Saudi Arabia case