Maritime Boundaries Between Italy And Algeria

maritime boundaries between Italy and Algeria

maritime boundaries between Italy and Algeria, Algeria, Algeria maritime boundaries, Algeria Maritime claims, Algeria maritime zone, Algeria’s extension of its EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), Algerian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), italy, Italy continental shelf map, Italy exclusive economic zone map, Italy internal waters, Italy marine zone, Italy maritime boundaries, Italy maritime claims, Italy territorial waters map, outer limits of its exclusive economic zone algeria

View More maritime boundaries between Italy and Algeria


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geographical coordinates of points establishing the outer limits of its exclusive economic zone of Algeria

geographical coordinates of points establishing the outer limits of its exclusive economic zone of Algeria, Algeria, Algeria Maritime claims, Algeria’s extension of its EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), Algerian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Maritime Claims, outer limits of its exclusive economic zone algeria

View More geographical coordinates of points establishing the outer limits of its exclusive economic zone of Algeria