Analyzing Philippines Maritime Matters in Law of the Seas and Security


The Law of the Seas (LOS) is an influential international treaty that provides a comprehensive framework for the use of the seas and oceans and is essential to Philippines maritime matters. This article analyses the implications of LOS in the Philippines and assesses the maritime security of the country’s waters.

Philippines Maritime Matters in LOS

The Philippines is an archipelagic state, with exclusive economic zones (EEZ) covering 1.8 million sq. km. This makes it the third-largest EEZ in the world and illustrates the importance of the topic to the country. LOS provides the Philippines with the right to exploit resources, navigate, and lay submarine cables and pipelines in their EEZ. It also gives the country the right to exploit resources from the continental shelf.

In addition to the use of the Philippines’ EEZ, LOS also provides rules and regulations regarding the use of the high seas and other maritime areas. The treaty covers issues such as the safety of navigation, freedom of scientific research, and the protection of the marine environment. This is especially relevant to the Philippines, which has a long history of maritime trade and is surrounded by some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.

International Implications of Maritime Issues

The Philippines’ maritime activity is also important for the international community. As an archipelagic state, it has a responsibility to ensure safe and efficient navigation in its waters. This is especially important due to the large number of vessels that pass through the Philippines’ EEZ each year.


In addition, the Philippines’ maritime activity has implications for regional security. The country is a signatory to a number of regional maritime security agreements and is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Through these agreements, the Philippines is committed to maintaining a secure maritime environment in the region.

Analyzing Maritime Security

In order to ensure maritime security, the Philippines must adhere to international laws and treaties. This includes LOS, which provides the framework for the management of the seas and oceans. The treaty sets out a number of rules and regulations regarding the use of the seas and oceans, and the Philippines must abide by these rules in order to protect its maritime security.

The Philippines must also take measures to ensure the safety of its vessels and the security of its waters. This includes the use of maritime surveillance systems and the enforcement of maritime laws. In addition, the Philippines must actively participate in regional maritime security initiatives such as the Five Power Defense Arrangements (FPDA) and the ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF).

Assessing Philippines Maritime Law

The Philippines has a number of laws and regulations that govern its maritime activities. These laws are based on LOS and are designed to ensure the safety and security of its waters. This includes the Maritime Industry Authority Act, which regulates the registration and inspection of vessels, and the Philippine Maritime Code, which outlines the rights and responsibilities of the country’s maritime industry.

The Philippines has also adopted a number of regional and international instruments such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the ASEAN Charter. These instruments provide the country with a framework for the management of its maritime resources and activities.

Understanding the Development of LOS

LOS is an international treaty that has been developed over the years to address the changing needs of the world’s maritime boundaries. The treaty was first developed in the early 1970s and has since been amended and updated to reflect the changing nature of maritime activities.

The treaty is now widely accepted by the international community and is seen as a key tool for the management of the seas and oceans. It is also a cornerstone of regional security arrangements, providing a framework for the management of resources and the protection of maritime security.

Protecting Maritime Security in Philippines

The Philippines must take proactive measures to ensure the security of its maritime resources. This includes the enforcement of laws and regulations, the maintenance of surveillance systems, the use of monitoring technologies, and the enforcement of regional agreements.

In addition, the Philippines must actively participate in regional maritime initiatives such as the FPDA and the AMF. These initiatives provide the country with a platform for enhancing its maritime security and for cooperating with other countries in the region.

The Law of the Seas (LOS) provides an important framework for the management of the seas and oceans and is essential to the security of the Philippines’ maritime resources. This article has analysed the implications of LOS in the Philippines and assessed the maritime security of the country’s waters. The Philippines must ensure that it adheres to LOS and actively participates in regional maritime security initiatives in order to protect its marine resources and ensure a safe and secure maritime environment.
