Molucca Sea, Indonesian Laut Maluku,portion of the western Pacific Ocean, bounded by the Indonesian islands of Celebes (west), Halmahera (east), and the Sula group (south). The Molucca Sea has a total surface area of 77,000 square miles (200,000 square km). Maluku is one of the first provinces of Indonesia, proclaimed in 1945 and lasting until 1999, when the Maluku Utara and Halmahera Tengah Regencies were split off as a separate province ofNorth Maluku.
The Molucca Sea borders the Banda Sea to the south and the Celebes Sea to the west. To the north is Philippine Sea and to the east is Halmahera Sea.
The islands bordering the Molucca Sea include Halmahera to the north east, Buru and Ceram in the centre, and Sulawesi to the west. The Talaud Islands to the north are considered to be the northern border the sea, though the Molucca Sea Plate, the tectonic plate named after the sea, extends further north.
The Spice Islands(Malaku, or the Moluccas) are a small group of islands to the north-east of Indonesia, between Celebes and New Guinea. They include Halmahera (the largest), Seram, Buru, Ambon, Ternate, and Tidore and the Aru and Kai island groups. In the 16th century, the Moluccas were nicknamed the “Spice Islands”. This was due to the large number of aromatic plants that grew on this archipelago. Subsequently, the islands werean important strategic base for the highly profitable spice trade. Nutmeg and cloves largely drove the spice trade.
Definitions of Moluccas.a group of island in eastern Indonesia between Celebes and New Guinea; settled by the Portuguese but taken by the Dutch who made them the center for a spice monopoly, at which time they were known as Spice Islands. synonyms: Spice Islands. example of: island. The VOC was officially dissolved in 1799; the overseas possessions then became Dutch government colonies (the Moluccas became part of the Dutch East Indies).
The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) defines the “Molukka Sea” [sic] as being one of the waters of the East Indian Archipelago. The IHO defines its limits as follows:
On the North. By a line from the Northeast extreme of Celebes [Sulawesi] through the Siau Islands to the South point of Sangi (3°21′N 125°37′E) thence to the Southern extreme of the Talaud Group, through these islands to their Northeastern extreme (4°29′N 126°52′E) and thence a line to Tanjong Sopi, the Northern point of Morotai Island.
On the East. By the West coast of Morotai from Tanjong Sopi as far south as Wajaboela (2°17′N 128°12′E), thence a line to the Northern point of Halmahera and down its West coast to Tanjong Libolo, its Southern extreme.
On the South. A line from the Southern extreme of Halmahera to the North point of Bisa (Setile) Island, thence to the Northern extreme of Obi Major, through this island to Tanjong Ake Lamo, its Southwestern point, thence to Tanjong Dehekolano, the Eastern extremity of the Soela [Sula] Islands, along their Northern coasts to Tanjong Marikasoe, the Western extreme, thence a line to the Southeast point of Banggai Island (1°43′S 123°36′E).
On the West. The East coasts of Banggai and Peleng Islands to North Bangkalan (1°10′S 123°18′E) thence a line to Tg. Botok (Celebes) (1°04′S 123°19′E) round the coast to Tg. Pasir Pandjang (0°39′S 123°25′E) and across to Tg. Tombalilatoe (0°18′24″N 123°20′44″E) on the opposite coast, thence up the East coast to Tg. Poeisan, the Northeastern extreme of Celebes.
Is it safe to travel to Maluku?
Maluku experienced bad riots between 1999 and 2004, but peace has returned and the people are getting on with their lives. Despite what certain Indonesian embassies and websites might tell you, foreigners no longer need special permits to visit Maluku, andthe entire region has been completely safe to visit for years.
What race is Moluccan?
The Ambonese, also known as Moluccans, are an Indonesian ethnic group ofmixed Austronesian and Melanesian origin. They are majority Christians followed by Muslims. The Ambonese are from Ambon Island in Maluku, an island group east of Sulawesi and north of Timor in Indonesia.
What religion is Maluku?
Most of the people of Maluku adheres to eitherIslam, (52.85% of the population) or Christianity (46.3% of the population); the latter are divided between followers of (Protestantism (39.39%) and Catholicism (6.87%).
Is Maluku a Polynesian?
The indigenous inhabitants of the Maluku Islands are Melanesian in originand have been aboriginal to the Maluku archipelago dating back at least 30.000 BCE.
Who first reached Moluccas?
explorer Ferdinand Magellan
It was a 16th-century Spanish expedition initially led by Portuguese explorerFerdinand Magellanto the Moluccas, which departed from Spain in 1519, and completed in 1522 by Spanish navigator Juan Sebastián Elcano, after crossing the Atlantic,Pacific and Indian oceans.
How do I get to Moluccas?
You can easily reach Maluku by flying direct to Ambon from Jakarta (or Surabaya). From Ambon, you can get to several places in the Malukus by plane or boat.K
When should I visit Maluku?
November to Marchis the best time to visit. Maluku’s tucked away beaches and turquoise waters stretch as far as the eye can see, reminding you just how remote these islands truly are.
When did the Spanish come to Maluku?
In 1606, an expedition led by the governor of the Philippines, Pedro de Acuña, reestablished Iberian control on the Moluccas.